@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Pingouins @ Jets 22/11/21 | Faits saillants de la LNH

Faits saillants prolongés des Penguins de Pittsburgh aux Jets de Winnipeg


  1. I'm sorry, but if these 2 announcers are from the home team…they made this hockey game as exciting as brick…

  2. Holy cow that announcer was awful, regardless of her voice. Very little excitement on high scoring chances, and she seemed to be a step behind the play. Very little immersion from her calls. The one play at the end the Penguins centered it right in front of the goal and almost scored and she didn’t say one word. And then 5 seconds later makes a small comment. She’s just bad. Noting to do with her being a woman.

  3. What stupid crappy announcers. Fire everyone who thought this would work.

  4. the female commentator is so strange… i dont hate it but dont love it. its like hearing a cat bark i guess idk

  5. Can't stand watching the Game , as this announcer making it Hard for my EARS !!!! …. Please bring back the Pros , give them the Mic !!!! …. Go Jets Go !!!!.

  6. Never heard the lady commentator before on a Jets game, she's good.

  7. Female game callers don't work. The high pitch doesn't correspond to the action. Listening to mom call that game I mostly felt like going to sleep until she started screaming, then I felt the urge to run upstairs and clean my bedroom. Maybe these woke sports companies can use Randy Savage to call ice skating or synchronized swimming. Or maybe they could force Richard Simmons and Whoppi to replace Joe Rogan and DC for the next UFC fight. can Same concept. I'll shut off the next game before going through that again.

  8. I love my jets..but listening to this game, with that announcer was brutal!!!!!…sports net has the shitties play callers in all of sports….it actually ruined the enjoyment of watching the game.

  9. Again with this woman doing the play by play. I’m sorry but she doesn’t do the game justice. Her nasal and monotone voice, I can’t even listen to the highlights!

  10. It is a known fact, men do not like loud pitched noises, such as kids voices and women! It is not that we are ignoring them, it is we "drown" out noise! Hence, we do NOT enjoy listening to women speak! This announcer is case in point!

  11. Here we have a perfect example of why hiring people based on physical attributes is a bad idea

  12. I’m a Jets fan! But penguins played their hearts out. The best coaches in the world say the game sometimes can be 90 percent mental, and ten percent physical whether it’s true or not these NHLers always play giving 110 percent every time…

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