@Jets de Winnipeg

discute de la décision de Paul Maurice de démissionner de l’entraînement des Jets de Winnipeg | SDP

Steve, Jesse et Adam discutent de Paul Maurice et de sa décision choquante de démissionner de l’entraînement des Jets de Winnipeg. Visitez https://sdpn.ca pour les produits dérivés et plus encore. Nous avons rejoint The Athletic et vous le pouvez aussi ! Cliquez sur le lien pour vous abonner : https://theathletic.com/sdp Visitez les sponsors de cet épisode : suivez-nous sur Twitter : @Steve_Dangle, @AdamWylde et @JesseBlake Suivez-nous sur Instagram :@SteveDangle, @AdamWylde et @Jesse.Blake


  1. me and my dad where sitting on the coach watching pti and that came up and we just wtf like huh?

  2. didnt Paul Maurice coached the Leafs around 2000?

    I thought he made a solid job in Winnipeg… But I am a noob 😀

  3. 90% of people hate their job but don't have the financial freedom to just walk away.

  4. Not crazy about Maurice's timing and explanation. I think the coach should go down with the ship. They preach to the players to give their all at all times.

  5. its a quitting disguised as a resigning. no control over his emotions. Noticed that when he was with Toronto. big baby!

  6. He didn't say he wasn't happy going to the rink anymore, he wasn't happy going to the rink during the bubble

  7. He knows the game better than those who were supposed too. Did a great job with less talented team..

  8. It’s only a surprise to people outside of Winnipeg. This would have been his last season regardless. Many Jets fans like myself have been wanting him gone for quite a few years now.
    Nothing against him, he made our Jets the best he possibly could but we need someone new to take our team further.

  9. I agree, Adam, that the pandemic has changed the perspective of most everyone in the world. I feel the same way; when the pandemic hit, I was working overnights in the food-service industry, and was completely humming and ho'ing as to what I wanted to do with my future. In the past two years, a lot has happened in my life, and especially with the return of crowds at sporting events this past year, I realize just how much I want to be a sports broadcaster now. I have "a job" to tide me over until I reach that point, but my direction is much more clear, and my passions are much more true and "out there".

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