@Flyers de Philadelphie

Les Flyers de Philadelphie attendent le piège du Lightning

http://www.thepuckscene.com Stratégie des Flyers pour déjouer le piège : Ne rien faire !


  1. @aria213312

    So you srsly think that the teams in NHL should consider how much their tactic entertains the audience?

  2. @DENJCA29

    You're an ass. The Flyers made a statement against a style of play that is responsible for making hockey totally unwatchable! Tampa is the joke of the NHL.

  3. @googlie99 outsmarted them?…. who won the game dumbshit?… not to mention the lightning kicked phillys ass with that same system last year!

  4. @deftonesrule311 If I paid good money to watch an NHL game and this happened, I'd be equally as pissed.

  5. @inVINCEableX If your fav team did this… and they won because of it…. Dont tell me would not support it. But as long as it made the Flyer fans cry and whine (which they do best) i support it. Fuck philly and anybody who supports that shittown and team.

  6. I am a Canuck fan so I am used to seeing the Trap in the Western Conference so what Tampa Bay did was very smart, considering the fact they had some of their best players out from injuries, so they were playing smart hockey. I don't know if the Flyers are not used to going up against the Trap but it was very dumb and selfish what they did. I respect both teams, but it wasn't Tampa Bay's job to let the Flyers get a scoring opportunity. Smart hockey Tampa 🙂

  7. its flyers responsibility to try breaking the formation and then score… they got the puck and this is what hockey is all about.. score on the defenders

  8. @TheHallberg16 Sure they have the puck, and they're waiting for an opening. Just because you have the puck, doesn't mean it's your 'responsibility' to throw it away and turn it over. Very smart, composed hockey from both sides.

  9. I don't get why anyone is blaming anyone. There are no rules outlawing either teams play. The trap can work, and not playing into works just fine here too. I think the trump card should've been the fact that the lighting were playing at home, but the refs got in the way. Would've been slightly interesting to see play out :S

  10. Don't bother comparing The Broadstreet Bullies to the modern Flyers. The Bullies have something G and his squad don't; two Stanley cup rings.

  11. It's a smart strategy by TB and a smart counter by PHI but as a fan, this is not what I want to see.

  12. the flyers are very used to playing the trap. the devil's building is less than an hour away from their own. the point was that anyone can run the trap. even with bad players. it's a shitty tactic. it's boring to watch and it devalues the game. why would you defend a tactic that is best countered by doing nothing? don't you like hockey?

  13. Except thats not how you fucking play hockey….The trap is dead for a reason and teams who play the 1-3-1 trap are fucking garbage for trying to bring it back.

  14. I love the dumb people who blame the flyers for this. The trap is very effective but there is no forecheck which is what usually forces a defenseman to pass the puck. So the Flyers should skate the puck into 5 men and almost be forced to dump and chase for most of the game? Gee I wonder who will get worn down faster. The Lightning did not have a lead so what would the flyers motivation be to skate into a turnover?

  15. I thought it was hilarious.

    Why did the ref penalize the flyers with a defensive zone faceoff? What rule did they break?

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