@Maple Leafs de Toronto

George Parros contre Colton Orr 2e combat et blessure Maple Leafs de Toronto contre Canadiens de Montréal 01/10/13 LNH

George Parros contre Colton Orr 2e combat et blessure de Parros Maple Leafs de Toronto contre les Canadiens de Montréal 10/1/13 NHL. 02:34 MTL J. Tinordi Combat – 5 min contre C. Ashton 02:34 TOR C. Ashton Combat – 5 min contre J. Tinordi 02:34 TOR C. Orr Combat – 5 min contre G. Parros 02:34 MTL G Parros Fighting – 5 min contre C. Orr 02:34 TOR C. Orr Game faute – 10 min contre G. Parros 02:34 MTL G. Parros Game faute – 10 min contre C. Orr Annonceurs Doc Emrick, couleur Eddie Olczyk et Pierre McGuire entre les bancs. https://www.facebook.com/HDHockeyVideos


  1. I could never understand why enforcers are being weeded out in hockey.
    They are the most honorable players because they defend and protect
    their teammates by putting their own health and lives at risk. Is there
    not anything more honorable than that in hockey and all probably all of sports?

  2. I remember watching this it was very unfortunate it was an accident shit happens fighting is was and will always be a part of the game if you don't like it don't fucking watch it

  3. There is so much evidence on here to back up the fact that PK SUBBAN is a pussy and almost never ever stands up for his hits or after the whistle antics. He instead ducks, turtles, turns away and hugs the refs close as they protect his sensitive little head. He always relies on his teammates to stand up & fight his battles. Well great going PK! In this case you bit off more than you could chew, let Parros take the fight and boom ended his career for good. Great job PK! You basically slammed Parros face into the ice when you didn't stand up for yourself, you deserve to be traded to Trashville, oh wait…😂🆒✅🥉

  4. Orr and Mclaren kept Leafs Nation alive during those rough years but this was the turning point for the Leafs and the NHL with practically no fights these days or hits really…

  5. Remember Leafs fans when Orr fought Perros when he was with Florida and Orr hit his head on the ice and he was gone for a year . Well paybacks is a bitch at least Orr show concern and called for the ref. Not like the bum Perros. Orr has class Go. Leafs.Go

  6. I felt bad for Parros, but because of the shit job he is doing with disciplining players, I wish he never got up after hitting his head.

  7. After the Kadri suspension, this made me feel ever so slightly better..

  8. He knocked himself out I don't get why they sent him away to the lockers. Even Captain Gionta said it to the ref.

  9. A big man with all his weight falling on the side of his face like that, could of being killed, I respect Orr for being a classy guy.

  10. That was actually sick I doubt the toss was on purpose but it’s cool to see an effectively placed toss in hockey

  11. I'm not a Hockey Fan so I am wondering. Has anyone ever been arrested or Prosecuted for seriously injuring another Hockey Player during a fight. I believe a number of years ago there was a Movie- maybe it was a TV MOvie starring Michael Moriaty about a Hockey Player who kills a "Goon" during a Hockey Fight.

  12. Weird how Orr didn't even hit him: he tripped and dragged Parros down on top of him while Parros was in the midst of a punch and thus unable to lift his arm to keep his jaw from hitting the ice. Nasty how he accidentally sling-shotted him face first. I bet he had a broken jaw.

    Worth pointing out that neither man let go with his grip arm – these guys are both seasoned enforcers and are not afraid of getting KOed.

  13. Orr played for the NY Rangers, Parros hates him. Tom Wilson kills the Breadman. Parros just fines him. It all came full circle.

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