@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Faits saillants de la LNH | Bruins contre Hurricanes – 28 octobre 2021

Frederik Andersen a arrêté les 33 tirs auxquels il a fait face alors que les Hurricanes de la Caroline battaient les Bruins de Boston 3-0.


  1. Nobody gonna say anything about that massive hit Slavin landed at the end of the game. Damn he laid DeBrusk out! There's 2 undefeated teams left, lets out last the Panthers!

  2. Bruins fan here, Canes are nasty and ragdolled the clownshow of a roster that showed up in black & gold tonight. GG go kill the Lightning for everyone this year.

  3. I’m a leafs fan but I’ve always liked the canes. They look like a good playoff team; playing with much more intensity and drive than the leafs rn. Hope they get a cup soon

  4. Ну Мишки совсем съехали….никак в серую не войдут.

  5. Don't blame the bruins…blame the management for following Jacobs low budget plan A 105 players trying to switch teams and make better money and you're telling me those 4 plays excluding the goalie those are all we could get, absolutely not It's the ones we could get that weren't asking for a lot because There not that f**king good FORBORT NOSEK HAULA FOLINGO.. I've been waiting for the Jacobs to sell their team back in the eighties when they lost us championships by not spending money…. Absolutely disgusting owners As long as the bear and hot dogs are flowing And we're finishing in the top 10 they don't care care cause they know we suckers will be there…

  6. A Boston L is a W for every other hockey fan. Good job Carolina and props on a hell of a start to your season👏 – FLA Fan

  7. It's not Freddy, Boston feasted on Freddy for years when he was with the leafs . It's the canes man. They are a very good team .

  8. Fitting that the Canes have 4 former Rangers. New Yorkers always invading Carolinas. Hope Tony can keep it together over the course of the season. Has some good qualities but was rough in his end.

  9. So good to see Freddy healed up and playing well with a hard working team in front of him. He’s wasted years standing on his head fit guys who left him hanging

  10. Свечников так тридцатку в пустые ворота наколотит за сезон

  11. D'angelo didn't win any race. DeBrusk let him in the dust. What the hell is Trip talking about?

  12. Canes should have to donate 1 million to charities support black and lgbtq communities every time TD gets a point. Disgusting employing a guy like that.

  13. It's rebuild time in Boston, can't deny it any longer, Bruins may not make the playoffs this year

  14. Always thought Anderson was so scary when he got in his zone, especially in those series we had vs the Leafs

  15. Carolina really is showing how much more they know about hockey than the “what were they thinking this offseason?” talking heads, huh

  16. So happy after all these years seeing everything come together feels really good

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