@Flyers de Philadelphie

Quel est le problème avec les Flyers de Philadelphie ? | SDP

Steve, Jesse et Adam discutent de l’état actuel des Flyers de Philadelphie après leur séquence de défaites en 13 matchs. Alors, est-il temps pour eux d’échanger le capitaine Claude Giroux? Visitez https://sdpn.ca pour les produits dérivés et plus encore. Nous avons rejoint The Athletic et vous le pouvez aussi ! Cliquez sur le lien pour vous abonner : https://theathletic.com/sdp Visitez les sponsors de cet épisode : Suivez-nous sur Twitter : @Steve_Dangle, @AdamWylde et @JesseBlake Suivez-nous sur Instagram : @SteveDangle, @AdamWylde et @Jesse.Blake #Flyers #LosingStreak #SDP


  1. "We aren't rebuilding, we only need a few core peices."

    Giroux is our best player and he will not be on the team March 22nd. We don't have a #1 or 2 d-man. We have no true goal scorer. This team needs to sell and rebuild.

  2. I’ve been tentatively beating the “Giroux to Carolina” drum for a little while now.

  3. Don't forget dealing 3 years of Voracek for 4 years of Atkinson. Not saying they miss Jake but has Atkinson solved any problems that couldn't have been solved with a shorter term deal for someone?

  4. Flyers fans didn’t hate ghost, flyers management/coaching hated ghost. Dude on the far left is clueless

  5. The Flyers might suck but They know the feeling of winning a round in the playoffs.

  6. They have been “retooling” for ten years or so since the last time they went to the finals. Everyone who is a philly fan shits on hextall yet he was the one who was actually trying to rebuild the team. This franchise is a joke now it’s embarrassing. This team will never win a cup while I’m alive.

  7. The loud mouth in the middle is some kind of wanna-be comedian? Brutal. I wanted to listen to this but he made it impossible.

  8. So let me get this straight. The same year the NHL mandates a medical procedure with the side effect of micro blood clotting it has an epidemic of injuries. GO FIGURE! Flyers have had four players return from injury and go back on IR after their first game back. The medical procedure has left players more prone to injury and less able to heal.

  9. All you need to know about the players Philly has on their roster is that Seattle took Carson Twarinsky (sp?) in the expansion draft. They wanted no part of any of their regulars.

  10. We NEED a hard reset/rebuild. Trade off all top assets we have, G, Coots, Cam. Keep the few young players that show promise (Farabee and Hart), clear house from top to bottom. This team has no identity other than being slow, unskilled and terrible. Can't score, can't defend, sloppy, poorly coached, player development is non existent. The team is a joke.

  11. What's wrong with The Flyers? Ugliest uniforms in all of professional sports.

  12. Flyers fan here. The Flyers don't have a number one center and number one winger. They also don't have a number one defenseman. The Flyers need to go into a total rebuild and build around three prospects that could turn into franchise altering players.

  13. Dear Mr Dangle, as of yesterday, there are only 2 (two) hockey draft prospects playing at the Olympics? Mr Slafkovsky and Mr Nemec both playing for Slovakia.

  14. I've been a Flyers fan since I started watching hockey in 1972(I was both a Flyers and Blazers(WHA) fan at the time) and this team is an absolute train wreck. In fact, it's beyond a train wreck. If it weren't for Hart & Jones this team would have maybe 5 wins right now but even they are starting to falter. Can't expect a goalie to only let 1 or 2 in when they're facing 40 shots a night and a defense that couldn't stop a pee wee team right now. The sad thing too is that because of the Coyotes, Canadiens, and Kraken the Flyers still will finish 4th worst and lose out on the top 3 can't miss prospects then they'll do their usual and draft a mucker and grinder or a goalie.

  15. Oh, I need to add that you can't expect to win if your entire roster is filled with nothing but muckers and grinders. For some reason this franchise can't get out of 1975. There hasn't been a legit scorer on this team since LeClair. Now I don't expect them to have a 50 goal scorer every time but for the love of God get someone who can get you 100 points at least.

  16. Lets be honest Philly sucks. It's cold, it smells and its extremely disgusting city to live in. Any city dumb enough to put up a statue of a fictional character instead of the legendary Joe Frazier deserves this misery. I hate philly and every single human who roots for their teams. Nothing worse than a Eagles or Flyers fan imo.

  17. As a flyers fan I hope they trade G to a team outside the metro division that wins a cup.

  18. “Nothing has gone wrong for the Flyers”

    -Top defencemen Ellis has only played 4 games, and all those games missed in previous seasons were due to one-off freak accidents that were unconnected to this year

    -#1 Centre Couturier missing most of the season and when on the ice was playing through injury

    -Ditto for #2 Centre Hayes

    -Ditto for #3 centre Brassard

    -Ditto for #4 centre Thompson, minus being injured while on the ice

    -Large amounts of missed time for young, offensive forwards like Allison and Farabee

    -Still waiting on bounce-backs from guys who showed stretches of big promise like Konecny, Provorov, and Lindblom

    Honestly, the only things that have gone RIGHT for the Flyers:

    -Giroux still looks excellent
    -Atkinson is working out
    -Ristolainen actually doesn’t suck and is instead just a fine #4 defenceman
    -Hart has been playing exceptionally well

    So don’t tell me nothing has gone wrong for the Flyers

  19. What's wrong with the Flyers ? Where do I start ? Lousy Goaltending, Swiss Cheese like Defence. and Smurf-like forwards. Can you imagine being a member of the Broad Street Bullies and having to watch this crap. OBTW get rid of those stupid black sweaters.

  20. Carter Hart has been shitting it up no matter who is in front of him or how many points the boys score.

  21. I'm a Habs fan and at the time a Nordiques fan, and I remember the horrific Nordiques seasons when they had 10ish-wins years . I'm ready to be hurt man 😀

  22. Flyers fans did not hate Gostisbehere. Not sure where you’re getting that. We had plenty of other bad defensemen to hate more.

  23. it’s been such a painful season as a flyers fan, but honestly when your best player on the team is 33 years old there’s obviously a drafting problem with the team god i hate chuck fletcher so much

  24. Dangle stick to your leafs, we haven’t had a Ellis couturier Hayes we are missing 5 center man.

  25. We've wasted G's career, through bad management and a touch of bad luck. I don't know why I still watch, maybe why I appreciate Dangle

  26. The final line… irony. As someone who follows the team, your takes here aren’t the best. Dig past a few headlines if you’re gonna run a segment

  27. Are you insane ? The Flyers are playing their BACKUP AHL players right now?? Everyone is out we’re missing like 8 players do you guys do research before you speak?

  28. Injuries and lack of talent are the problem. Along with an ownership group that won't commit to a real rebuild and doesn't know how to run a sports franchise. If Dave Scott got hit by a Septa bus not a singke Flyers fan would feel sorry for him. He's a complete clown.

  29. Does this guy watch hockey? The Flyers have lost every C on their team to injury. Ellis hasn’t played. Oh, and they have Chuck Fletcher.

  30. The Ellis deal was a gamble; an injury prone young center plus a young defenseman with promise for an injury prone, but proven #2/3 defenseman… the Risto deal was a straight overpay, esp. with the Gost deal to make it happen. Picking up journeymen at this stage in Yandle and Martin, depth moves to patch up holes; but due to too many injuries, they’re being asked todo too much. Too many injuries to young guys like Allison, Laczynski; lost NAK to Colorado on waivers. Overpaid for Hayes, Konecny, and generally being in cap hell handicapping this team. Voracek for Atkinson is working out fine. Brassard was a good pickup. If Risto resigns cheaper and plays a #4 guy, I’m ok with that… that’s about what he is playing at right now. Hope everyone gets healthy. JVR needs to step it up, not producing for his money. I think Flyers system needs an overhaul. Somehow fix the awful power play… need more weapons and a dynamic playmaker to help Giroux.

  31. After Patrick/Pekannin I hope the flyboys don't get a high pick.

  32. The stupid ass coach, general manager, goalie coach, half the friggin defense…. Should I keep going???? G is not the problem it's the phuckin mediocre coaches that have no phuckin clue… Its Minnesota all over again almost on script!!! Shitcan Daley, Fletcher, Yeo, and most importantly Kim dellinbaugh or however you spell it, any way you spell it he's gotta go and so does Mike Yeo!!!

  33. Players get hurt and they have a slump so they fire the two better coaches we’ve had since laviolette. Then lose giroux…nice job fletcher

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