@Bruins de Boston

Faits saillants de la pré-saison de la LNH | Rangers contre Bruins – 27 septembre 2022

AJ Greer a marqué son deuxième but du match en prolongation pour aider les Bruins de Boston à vaincre les Rangers de New York 3-2.


  1. To the 2nd Period Rangers Goal when the Bruins Goalie sat on the Puck essentially…

    That? That's a Dang-It.

  2. swayman is a bad goalie, and the bruins deserve it cause their fans are disgusting racists.

  3. Please bring back the ability to choose between home and away broadcasts for non Canadian hockey games on SN NOW

  4. This was a very physical high intensity game from start to finish. Very fun to watch!

  5. У Медведей удавалось быстро контратаку создать, столько выходов было. Ошибки в передачах в чужой зоне, будь удачливее Бостон, Рейнджерс не дошли бы до овера…

  6. Greer deserves to make the roster out of camp. miss him in Utica

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