@Bruins de Boston

Canadiens de Montréal VS Bruins de Boston Bagarre #3 2-9-11

Travis Moen (Canadiens de Montréal) contre Andrew Ference (Bruins de Boston) le 2/9/11. Cambell Boychuck


  1. If I was the Canadies coach, next game I would retaliate. Badly. Fuck suspensions. And Bruins are becoming worse than The Flyers. Piece of cheap garbage. I love New York bitches.

  2. @duckking09 Pussy ass fucking move. Hammering with his elbow protector instead of whipping it off like he took off the guys helmet.

    A real pussy.

  3. I have a feeling the bruins are gonna shit their pants once they come to montreal next time 😉 Oh we'll be ready bitches.

  4. The Bruins were always proud of their fighters. Jonathan, Wensink, O'reilly, Neely,etc.
    But when it came to winning the cup, they always choked. Nothing has changed: they are still mindless bullies.

  5. Freeze at 1:51 That is what every hockey rink should look like, at least once during every game. Every player either in the penalty box, getting stitches or tossed to the locker room. Only the Ref's, Goalies, 2 guys, and Equipment was left on the ice after that brawl. Awesome. That's some good Old time Hockey right there, boys.

  6. If Cam Neely at 2:22 had wings, he would have flown down to the Ice there, and joined the fights. I'd still put money on him, over almost anybody still active in the league.

  7. I love how everyone says these guys on montreal were skilled players. Lucic has more points than all of them and people in montreal dogged him for not fighting the biggest goon the nhl has had since dave brown left. bruins guys except thornton arent even fighters. campbell didnt shake the pad off cause he wasnt even gonna fight until pyatt threw 2 punches and people blame him. only problem i got with all this is thornton with a shot to hamerlik when down and ference doing same thing to moen.

  8. when i heard they had 182 penalty minutes i didnt believe it. i guess seeing is believing…

  9. haha 0:59 look at that pussy in the canadiens jersey thinkin hes reppin! does he know number 94 is gettin his ass kicked or is he too shitfaced to realize that?

  10. Fuck #11 Gregory Campbell! He was hitting #94 Pyatt with his elbow protector! He should be suspended, but it won't happen cause he's Colin Campbell's son of course! From what I remember, Sheldon Souray was suspended for fighting with tape on his wrist, which is nothing compared to what that asshole did! Like you can see at 1:25, the cuts on Pyatt's face or made by the elbow for sure. I won't say he wouldn't have got beated by Campbell, but he wouldn't be that messed up.

  11. "Tuff" guy Bruins. Going with none tough guys and then beating people (Hammer and Moen) when they hit the ground. I don't blame Campbell for going with Pyatt since Tommy threw the first punch, but the rest of the fights were straight up gonnery. Hopefully a few of 'em get suspended.

  12. @SuperMaxize whats he to do stop throwing punches to shake his pad off and mabye take a couple of punches or just throw to win?you have never been in a hockey fight have you elbow pads come down and if your oppenent grabs your elbow pad it slips and comes down the habs got beat deal with it

  13. @Deveaux159 If 6'1" and 165 is small for you, than I am. I'd just like to let you know that on the ice, I'd fucking beat you without a problem. You could try to hit me if you want, but you wouldn't be able to. You'd finish face first on the board because I know how to play hockey, contrarily to you since you are american.

  14. @Deveaux159 You probably don't even have a job, but you say we do nothing else than playing hockey 24/7. You see, that's why I hate americans, they all think we are a bunch of wood choppers who plays hockey 24/7, but they never even come to Canada.

  15. @Deveaux159 You should come to Montreal, there's a lot more things to do. P.E.I. sucks of course, but as for Kingston, I don't know.

  16. All I know after watching the game. Boston started the problem…Montreal finished it. Go Habs.

  17. @Deveaux159 This Deveaux minor thinks hes tuff shit, Eh White Boy! I can make a white American boy turn Casper! Fuckin punk!

  18. @Deveaux159 No, im not black. Im white….& Yea Im calling you white fuckin trash…U gotta problem with that? I wonder what the other comment readers think of you now, after the slanderous racism you just posted regarding black people?!! Deveaux my ass…

  19. All of you people are morons arguing on YOUTUBE why don't you guys get girlfreinds and mabey get a life insted of arguing on youtube.

  20. God I love the bruins… They have the best fan based sport team along with all the other New England teams. GO BRUINS!

  21. My kids and I were at that game! I remember my youngest asking me if we might see a fight tonight lol!🏒🇺🇸🇨🇦

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