@Blackhawks de Chicago

Brandon Saad s’entraîne dans les coulisses | Blackhawks de Chicago

Découvrez le programme d’entraînement de Brandon Saad pendant la saison morte, présenté par Cigna. Abonnez-vous : https://youtube.com/blackhawks Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/nhlblackhawks Twitter : https://twitter.com/nhlblackhawks Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/nhlblackhawks Snapchat : https://www.snapchat.com/add/nhlblackhawks/ Site Web : https://www.nhl.com/blackhawks/


  1. You should of worked on your game Brandon, instead of doing physical training in the offseason.

  2. Favorite player since Hossa retired. He’s gonna have a great year this upcoming season. Gonna help up return to the playoffs and I can’t wait!

  3. WOuld love if you could post what a workout looks like on paper. Reps & exercises. Thanks!

  4. 4:34 Guy's got a horrible body. If he knew anything about diet he could be 15lbs lighter and way faster.

  5. As per DR. ANDY GALPIN;

    There may be some negative consequences of cold therapy after exercise. On one hand, it MAY help with recovery. But on the other, it will PROBABLY inhibit optimal training results. The soreness you feel after training is necessary, at least for some time. Taking pain killers, and completing therapy to immediately reduce that will reduce the optimal results you could have achieved.

    The practical take away is to usually have dedicated recovery times that are away from training sessions. Same with flexibility sessions. Keep these separate with some hours in between.

    In-Season, you may not care as much about training effect and you may desire more cold-therapy. If you're the athlete who trains 10x a week and has 3-5 games a week lol.

  6. I’ve been in the blackhawks training locker room and there whole entire facility they have

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