@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Faits saillants du troisième match de la LNH | Maple Leafs contre Lightning – 6 mai 2022

Jack Campbell a repoussé 32 tirs, Colin Blackwell a marqué son premier but en carrière en séries éliminatoires et les Maple Leafs de Toronto ont battu le Lightning de Tampa Bay 5-2 pour prendre une avance de 2-1 dans la série.


  1. I would like to see the Maple Leafs win the cup! A true Canadian team with fans that have class, Unlike those nasty sorry ass poor sport habs fans.

  2. Tampa stands no chance against the power house leafs. Shame they beat the habs last year, without a doubt they would have swept Tampa in the cup final.

  3. This recap makes the Leafs look dominant…when the game was far from that in the second half. Pulling Vasilevski was a huge mistake. Bolts were doing just fine at even strength and would have forced OT…Glad they did pull him though!

  4. Consider where your soul will spend eternity, heaven or hell.  You
    don’t want to end up in hell because you rejected the Sacrifice Jesus has made
    all who repent and turn to him by faith.  We are all guilty of sin. 
    We lie, steal and look with lust in our hearts.  We are all Guilty before
    a Holy and Righteous God.  GOD is not just all loving and overlook your
    sin.  He is loving, but sin He will Judge because He is Perfectly good.
    The Good news is God the Father sent His Son Jesus Christ who was perfectly
    Holy to pay the penalty for your and my sin out of Love for us.  We can’t
    keep the Law we break most all commandments.  But Jesus fulfilled ALL by
    his perfect thoughts, words, deeds and motives for us because we could not.
    Jesus loved all humans and God the Father perfectly.  Turn, repent of your
    sin and confess Your thankfulness for what Jesus did for you.  Put your
    faith in the perfection and the righteousness of Christ.  Jesus was raised
    from death to give you new life; death has been defeated. Out of love and grace
    eternal life is promised to those who have faith.  /,.,/,./,/., /.,/..,// ,/.,/.,/./.,,

  5. wow leaf fans are really dilusional but hey enjoy a game 4 3-1 series lead cause we all know whats happening after that

  6. what's very apparent to me is that tampa doesnt play well until their on the brink and well toronto once they get pushed to the top of the mountain and grab the prize will fall short. it was even apparent in game 4. judging by the first 3 games the series will go 7 with game 7 not being very close well b/c were talking the champs vs the chokes

  7. Keep the momentum going and don’t let the Bolts take the next game! From a Habs fan

  8. Only fans of Canada's team would be able to invade the opponents home arena in the playoffs

  9. Listen to these jokers. Bring on the parade again lol. It's only a matter of time before the laffs fold.

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