@Maple Leafs de Toronto

La situation du gardien de but des Maple Leafs fonctionnera-t-elle?

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  1. These Goalies will be more than adequate if the Leafs overall team defense does well. Samsonov could be a big surprise, in essence its like having two number ones.

  2. im not worried about our goaltending this season. first off if one of our goalies get injured we can call up Kallgren, 8 – 4 – 1 record, no more Mrazek , Sparks , Hutchinson, i say Samsonov has a career year. if murray can stay healthy all year thats a bonus, we just need a healthy Murray going into the play offs , every year for the past what 3 years going into the play offs someone is always injured.if and i mean big if they can swing a trade and get Kane we will have 2 scoring lines unlike in the past had 1/2 scoring lines.Giordano signing was a bonus for 800k, he can slot in anywhere on our D , i just whish they would trade Holl, i still dont like him for reasons previously stated in the past. i would like too replace him with a Scott Mayfield a big brusing D that actually hits and plays a good D game.

  3. Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine Verwohn.Site Brünette und eine anderey Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wenn ich 4 wählen würde

  4. I can see Samsamov having a Reimer type of year when he was first with Leafs.

  5. You know ehen the leafs first got Matt Murry i must admit I was a little worried but then when they got Samsonov as backup i thought well this young man could be good enough to push Murray he is young and this is a good chance for him to play well on the other hand if Murray also plays well then this could be a great tandom to have and realy solidify the goaltending problem of consistancy

  6. Haven't really watched Murry play before. They can't be worse then last year. Campbell was not worth resigning, and they had no backup.

  7. Not like I want Murray to do anything but succeed I have serious doubts. That said hope the leafs can keep him healthy and he regains his confidence.Samsonov Murray 35 GM's a piece mix in Kallgren and another prospect for the other dozen . Campbell was all over the map tough situation for Dubas to be in these goalies falter he's done. They succeed he gets extended . Going to be entertaining.

  8. You can never have enough goaltending, as witnessed last year. I would say the goaltending position is pretty sound.
    Dylan Ferguson could be a low risk-high return, if the Leafs sign him.

  9. I'm hoping this Matt Murray and Samsonav experiment works for the Leafs. As long as Matt Murray doesn't get injured this season, the Leafs will be fine.

  10. I think Ottawa was a bad defensive team last year and Murray has the best credentials of all the goalies they've brought in the last few years. Toronto's D hasn't been great through the whole season last 2 years but it was good enough through most of it to make the last few goalies look better than they were.

  11. Samsonov has had some discipline issues in his career, so hopefully he has matured – we'll find out.

  12. The abosute worst case senario is they are both 900 or lower save percentage goalies and neither gets hurt leaving the Leafs having to in games 7-6 because they have sieves in net. Almost with this tandem you need or hope that everything has to go right for it to work.

  13. Wow, that is a billion dollar question. Murray's health is hugely concerning. Samsonov has a reputation of not listening to his goalie coaches and struggling as a result. If Murray stays healthy, and if Samsonov just needed a change of scenery it could be golden. If Murray plays less than 20 games, and Samsonov is what Caps fans have been saying, it could be horrific. Samsonov's first start was very encouraging. Can't wait to see Murray's start. It is past time for this core to make some noise in the playoffs.

  14. We need a goalie like Eddy the eagle or Cujo , or Felix the cat , or maybe Grant Fuer kind of goalie until this happens we will be lucky to make the 22/23 playoffs. Good D your kidding right Justin Holl costs us game seven is everyone blind, or did we forget over the summer.

  15. It doesn't matter who they have in nets. They have nobody to protect their goalies. Bunch of daisies.

  16. I think the Buds goalie situation this year is as good or even better than last year. Reasonably good starters and we have some developed depth in case of injuries. Lets go Buds.

  17. With me, I know Murrey will get his game back in Toronto. My concern is if he can stay healthy all season.

    In my opinion the leafs should run Samsonov and Murrey as a 60 40 55 45 tandem.

  18. Samsonov isn't that likeable of a guy. If you look up his time in washington, seems like he cared more about being the class clown with kuznetsov than he did winning hockey games. On top of that we take on the cap hit of the least tradeable goalie on the market. Just another day in the Dubas circus.

  19. It’s easy to look at Jacks Save % of .897 in the playoffs and declare it as poor. However goalies that played vs Tampa Bay last season had a combined Save % of .888. Tampa had the 3rd highest shooting% in the NHL last season. Leafs were close behind. Also explains why Vasilevskiy’s Save % was no better (in the 1st round)

    All reminds me how we managed to lose 2 playoff rounds in a row while out scoring our opponent in both series.
    Only the Leafs 🙄

  20. I don’t like it when people suggest Murray’s numbers weren’t very good based on the team he played in front of. For one the Senators only allowed 12 goals more than us last year. Yup 12. Seriously.
    Also they had Anton Forsberg sharing he crease with him.Playing in front of the same team, Forsberg managed much better numbers.
    However all that said I do believe Murray can turn it around. Infact if you disregard his final 2 games and only look at his firs 18 games he was posting a .911. Now I realize Im cherry picking stats, however I say this to point out he had a pretty decent run for 18 games before things went south.I’m not sure if his last game (in which he let up 8) was related to playing through an injury or not but he sat out the rest of the year afterwards.

  21. Hey Andrew. Awesome video. Don’t forget, before Murray went down with a concussion, and his last two starts, he had a .920svp

  22. Samsonov is going to play with fire 🔥 he has chip on his shoulder. Remember this guy turned down other multi year deals to prove his worth with Leafs. He needs a big contract and I am sure he will take over Murray- who’s gonna be fine but he is injury prone

  23. Murray grew up a Leaf fan….he may be lights out this year ✅. Leaf fans are WAY too pessimistic

  24. Campbell is a tandem goalie, and Mrazek was not there to help him, due to injury and poor play. Think they should have signed him, and went out and got a better back up. At any rate, Samsonov is a good addition, and I'm hoping he can take the net, because I have zero faith in Murray, despite all the positive spin you're sending his way. Hopefully you're right, and I'm wrong. I'm not inside Murray's head, but have a feeling the concussions are a factor. He's been seriously off for 3 seasons now.

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