@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Pat Steinberg sur Gaudreau choisissant les Blue Jackets et comment les Flames vont aller de l’avant

L’animateur de Sportsnet 960, Pat Steinberg, s’est joint aux gars pour discuter du choix de Johnny Gaudreau pour les Blue Jackets et de ce que les Flames feront avec l’espace disponible pour la casquette.


  1. He left because he's had enough of the Liberal Sports Media in Canada, Can't really blame him for being sick of it.

  2. Flames fans need to sit down. He didn't slap you in the face, you shit on him a few years ago when you guys wanted him shipped out for a bag of pucks. You treated him poorly when he struggled a bit. Canucks fans did it to pettersson and now they're doing it to boeser. This is not just one teams fans but all fanbases. I'm not saying its why Johnny left but don't go around acting offended. (Not all flames fans fall into this but a big chunk). Do not boo him when he returns, don't be petty and childish. Thank him for getting you out of your seats time and time again. I was hopping he was traded to Van for pennies when he hit a slump.

  3. Columbus is super cool with loyal fans. It’s a great place to watch hockey

  4. “Going to a smaller US city”. Columbus is the
    14th largest city and has more people coming than Boston, Seattle, and San Francisco. But yeah, total cowtown.

  5. You can tell his wife made him do it, he got married last year and she`s pregnant and wants to be close to family he will be on the road a lot and she will be home alone hell Wayne Gretzky left Edmonton for his wife Janet to go to L.A. women change a man

  6. This was a non hockey decision, his first child is due in October…they made a decision that they wanted to raise their first child & start a family in Columbus…it’s a really great city to settle down in and start a family. Only hour & half flight from Columbus to New Jersey, so he’s still pretty close to home…same time zone at least.

  7. Add cross-boarder IMMIGRATION under its current draconian measures to that travel distance between family and where Gaudreau plays, and that makes ALL the difference, in my opinion. And people making those type of salaries consider these one-hour flights commuter traffic in The USA, seriously. Great for him and his new family.

  8. What If He just didnt want to Be under the Canadien Microscope anymore? I mean it makes sense He was put in the Dog house by Calgary fans a few years ago. You cannot tell Me that didnt help make His decision.

  9. Pat Steinberg. (Every single time) The typical liberal beta male that supports EVERY draconian law that Trudeau imposes is shocked why an American doesn't want to live here? 😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣

  10. He DIDNT take a significant less amount. How do these "journalists" have jobs? Oh right, they love supporting the Marxist agendas, which is their main purpose.

  11. Consider this- maybe Gaudreau knows something the rest of us don't. What might that be? Perhaps he knows Tkachuk has no intention of staying, so he's moving on while he still can. If he actually does know that, he can't state it publicly. It will take Columbus another year or two to get to the place they want to be. So while Gaudreau's decision may make haters and disgruntled Calgary fans say "I told you so" the first year or two, if Tkachuk leaves, Gaudreau will be far better off in the long term.

  12. Family might have been part of the reason for making the decision , but there was more to it. Even though the team looked better than it has in a number of years , and Johnny had great personal stats this year , a number of other things have gone south in more ways than one. Higher expectations to succeed , more pressure , more playoff failure , and more blame put on Johnny’s shoulders , to start. He’s watched his extremely good friend and longtime line-mate (Sean Monahan) , sadly fall from grace with the club , and his days are likely numbered. His friendship with Sean is so strong , if they both progressed the way Johnny has , and remained line-mates , I believe they would have wanted to remain here together for years. The pandemic travel restrictions prevented him from crossing the border into the states. He’s already very close to his family , and his dad had a health scare , which simply added fuel to his desire to be closer to home. Things went surprisingly well for Johnny when he started his career here 8 years ago. He found out that Canadian fans and media will actually temper their expectations of a team going through a youth oriented rebuild. He immediately found himself on the first line with a fellow 20 year old in Sean Monahan , and the two hit off better than you could ever imagine. They had some early success. They’re both great , likeable guys , and the city embraced them both. Things started really well , and he was happy and having fun. The pressure to succeed is now high , the playoff failures have been too frequent , and his best friend’s time with the club is likely limited. The mounting pressure year after year , and (soon) loss of his best friend were enough reason to leave here , and there were too many reasons to go closer to the east coast in the US. The Flames should have realized that the scales were heavily tipped against Johnny re-signing here. They made a huge mistake by not trading him and getting a significant return.

  13. He's not leaving any money on the table. The dollar exchange and tax rates make USA more desirable. He'd leave money on the table staying in Calgary.

  14. Who the hell wants to live in Calgary?? Esp. American players…or Edmonton, or Winnipeg. Tkachuk will be next.

  15. Not at all surprising that Johnny Gaudreau chose not to re-sign in Calgary, as no superstar NHL players want to deal with Canadian income tax rates, or the risks of more COVID mandate hassles courtesy of the current woke nanny-state federal government.

    The current dysfunctional state of Canadian airports tells you all you need to know.


  16. Johnny wants to disappear, put up a few points and run out his contract. He doesn't care about winning. He got tired of Sutter whipping him like a rented mule. Tkachuk will probably go to St. Louis. Poor Flames, I feel so sorry for them. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  17. People need to quit harping that Columbus is not as close to home thing, it’s an hour flight.

  18. Gaudreau knew he couldn't sign for the money he would make in Calgary and win a cup. So he went to finish off his career away from Canadian media. This is why the Sedins were first ballet. They didn't run when it got tough.

  19. Jackets fan here. The Internet didn't melt down when Panarin went to the Ranges (who sucked at the time) for less money. Or when Bob left. Or when Jones requested a trade. Or when Adam Foote screwed the team over. Maybe he likes Columbus as a city better. Maybe he thought Columbus is better situated as a team to compete. Who knows. Stop with the "uh, Columbus" bullshit, realize it's he's a UFA and can do whatever he wants without owing an explanation to anyone, and move on.

  20. God will people just let it go! he had the right to go where he wanted . Done deal and stop whining already? Players adapt why can't the media?

  21. This is like Pavel Bure wanting out of Vancouver; the "fish bowl effect" of a Canadian market. I'm curious to see what happens with Monahan, does he have a bounce back year and re-sign.

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