@Islanders de New York

Match 4 Finale de la Coupe Stanley 1983 Oilers d’Edmonton contre Islanders de New York (CBC)

17 mai 1983 Nassau Coliseum Uniondale, Long Island MVP : Billy Smith (c) 1983 CBC NHL


  1. 19 Straight Postseason Series Wins 1980 to 1984. Never has happened before 1980 to 1984 in any Sport and never has happened since 1980 to 1984 in any Sport.

  2. Teams winning it all 4 years or more in a row has only happened once in the NBA with the Boston Celtics 1959 to 1966, twice in MLB with the New York Yankees 1936 to 1939 and by the New York Yankees again 1949 to 1953. Three times in the NHL by the Montreal Canadiens 1956 to 1960, again 1976 to 1979 and by the New York Islanders 1980 to 1983. Even NHL Teams winning Two Stanley Cup Championships now is very uncommon since 1999 with the exception of the Pittsburgh Penguins in 2016 and 2017 which is the first Team in the NHL to do such since the Detroit Red Wings in 1997 and 1998. Think about it. The New York Islanders won twice that many back to back years in a row 1980 to 1983. It has never happened in the NFL.

  3. The height of the sideboard glass is unbelievable!! I’m surprised more people didn’t get injured or killed!

  4. Billy Smith rolling around the ice in pain ROTGLMFAO, he should have won an academy award for that one! But He was a great goalie.

  5. Back then the eastern division was way rougher than the western. The isles had to go through war to get to the finals while the Oilers got to play patty cake with the weak western teams. Gretzky himself said after the Islanders beat them that he walked by their dressing room and he saw that they were all beat up. He learned that if you want to win the Cup you got to have more than pure skill. You need to sacrifice the body.

  6. I know how great the Islanders were, I was a witness to it all like many of you. So many great players on that team it is just amazing that they were kept together for so long. As a fan it was an incredible time and never equalled since. One more thing I'll add, you don't get a true Captain like Denny Potvin come along too often. With all of their great players its hard to pick a guy to build your team around but they were fortunate as hell to get Potvin.

  7. God is Bob Cole BAD–he just drones on and on and on–he was such a disgrace compared to Danny Gallivan, Bill Hewitt and Dan Kelly

  8. Billy Smith has said that the most satisfying win in his NHL career was beating the Oilers in this series–he said the Oilers were yakking how they would win this series and that they thought they were the greatest thing since "sliced bread"—likely a lack of discipline provided by Sather who couldn't have coached in a pee-wee league if it hadn't been for having Gretzky

  9. Hockey in the 80s had the second best storylines in sports. Only the nba had a better one. Islanders oilers obviously but in the east Philadelphia was always formidable etc.

  10. I was a young lad in upstate NY at the time. Fell in love with the sport of hockey and my Islanders!!!!

  11. I know. Bourke and. Coffey may have scored more goals …but other than the legendary. Bobby. Orr(who's career was cut short due to injury) Dennis. Potvin …possibly debateable, but the greatest 2 way defenceman ever imho

  12. 49:42 Billy Smith, a heavy drinker, leaves the ice only 2 minutes after they won, 52:14 Billy goes straight to the locker room for a Beer…which always had cases of beer and ashtrays in the late 70s and 80s..

  13. This was the last game of a great 4 year run this was a learning experience for the Oilers they would win 5 Stanley Cups in the next 7 years

  14. Hated them at the time, but a lot of respect for what they built there. Torrey was seemingly drafting another stud with each draft in the 70’s. A lot of hall of famer’s.

  15. 47:20 is burnt into my memory as a little kid watching the game. the ultimate learning experience, that true greatness is more than just numbers, it takes heart. Always was an Oiler fan but sure respected how great the Islanders were. it made 84 much more meaningful.


  17. During the summer of 1983, I remember my uncle saying to me, “All it will take is one win for the Oilers over the Islanders and that will do it.” I was fearful he was right.
    (The Oilers could not beat the Islanders during the 1982-83 regular season or the ‘83 Finals)
    Sure enough the Oilers finally defeated the Islanders in a regular season game the following season.
    And the flood gates opened.

  18. smythe was basically a minor league division. easy to rack up points. defence played kind of lite. imo

  19. Billy Smith drinkin' a can of Bud. I was like "Where's he going? To the locker room? He's gonna miss the cup celebration on the ice!" He went and got a beer and came back. LOL

  20. The Islanders, from their 1975 playoff debut, through their 4 straight Cups, until their mid 80's decline was arguably the most exciting team to watch in professional sports over any 10 year period.

  21. Nobody will ever replicate what the early 80's Islander did. The Oilers had a chance but the Steve Smith own-goal in 1986 stopped that.

  22. The off ice super star of the Isalnders is Bill Torie, without him, this team would not exist with the players it had during their dynasty. There would be no dynasty.

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