@Islanders de New York

Pourquoi les Islanders de New York ont-ils du mal à signer des agents libres ?

Pourquoi les Islanders de New York ont-ils du mal à signer des agents libres à gros billets? Ils ont un HOF GM, jouent dans une toute nouvelle arène et ont été une équipe en lice ces dernières années. Aujourd’hui, nous discutons des raisons pour lesquelles des agents libres comme Johnny Gaudreau ont signé ailleurs au lieu de venir à l’Île. De plus, nous examinons certains des joueurs qui sont encore disponibles via l’agence libre et le commerce que Lou Lamoriello pourrait ajouter pour améliorer l’attaque de l’équipe. Tout cela et plus encore sur le podcast Locked On Islanders d’aujourd’hui avec Gil Martin. Soutenez-nous en soutenant nos sponsors ! BetOnline BetOnline.net vous a couvert cette saison avec plus d’accessoires, de cotes et de lignes que jamais auparavant. BetOnline – Où le jeu commence ! Trouvez et suivez Locked On Islanders sur vos plateformes de podcast préférées : Apple Podcasts : https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/locked-on-islanders-daily-podcast-on-the-new-york-islanders/id1485280958 Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/2jwwOtYTBdKidveD6LRdMj Stitcher : https://www.stitcher.com/show/locked-on-islanders-daily-podcast-on-the-new-york-islandersGoogle Play : https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5tZWdhcGhvbmUuZm0vbG9ja2VkLW9uLWlzbGFuZGVycw?ep=14 Et suivez l’émission et Gil Martin sur Twitter où il partagera les dernières nouvelles sur vos Islanders de New York et discutera avec des fans comme vous. Sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/LockedOnIsles et https://twitter.com/icewarsnyrvsnyi #Islanders #NYIslanders #NHL


  1. Many of the players you mentioned who are over 30 are Lou's acquisitions. So it's his fault for making the team unattractive for free agents.

  2. lou's cap management only left 9×7 offer on the table. nj did the same .cbj jumped in with a 9.5 x 7. isles/nj weren't willing to go higher. nj could. isles couldn't. that's lou's fault. his thinking is he can spend big $$$'s on avg. talent and buy his way out of cap trouble later. he did it to an extent last off-season with ebs, leddy. ladd. can't do it yet with bailey. that is problem no. one…not enough $$$ to pursue jg even if he was thinking about isles.
    and for years it was mismanagement of front office/gm's plus bad arena/shuffling back and forth between arenas. sniny new arena and lou settling down the ship was supposedly gonnnabring ufa's to nyi even tho pj boy and panarin by passed huge offers. lee decided to stay after pj left. and lou's nj/t o boys palmieri, greene, martin, etc. have no problem coming to play for lou and staying kadri their next option probably will as well for a five year deal.
    so why can't isles get top ufa's/talent to play for nyi? is it ny cost of living/taxes which shouldn't matter to a multi millioniare or the crime/traffic in ny? or is it no one wants to play second fiddle to rags in nyc. they want broadway, not island. or is the milbury/snow 20 year stench still there and too strong that even lou and three strong seasons can't erase? or was success more trotz doing than lou? and lou/trotz old style game is too taxing and stifles top offensive talent that they want no part of it. and maybe jg wasn't willing to give lambert the benefit of a doubt that he would be more offensive minded. and trotz won in d c with top offensive skill guys like ovie, oshie, backstrom, and kutzy so that is debatable.
    so the only way isles are gonna get top talent to play for nyi is to overpay for one in trade-to which they fall short in assets to get the fiala's or debrincat's plus their future big deals scares a gm like lou away due to his cap management. so outside of a trade the only other way is to get a player who is cost controlled with nmc is thru trade since lou/snow-whoever gm is has failed big time to find and draft skill guys/scorers. and lou frowns on that looking for players with teh gritz and other things a lou player must have. see: holmstrom, simon.
    so only option is to find someone willing to play for nyi thru trade like tarasenko who said a year ago he would waive his ntc to come to isles who would be a rental with $7 mill. left. that would cost too. at least another first/roster player like mayfield who blues up against the cap want in a vt deal. and lou traded firsts away like giving out candy. three straight now for older vets who he gives 5-6 year deals to. and the first last week for romanov. that 13 pick should have gone for a scorer and scorer only. or lou can wait until the tdl and dream of trading for another soon to be hot rental, p. kane. only kane will go somewhere else leaving lou at the alter once again.

  3. Let's play hypothetical….you are 27 years old and an all star hockey player and it's time for a new contract. Two teams are very interested in your services, the Panthers and the Islanders, they offer you the same deal 7 years at 10 million per year. Now let's look at this closer….in NY everything you do will be under a microscope, if you sneeze and fail to cover your mouth the next day there will be an article in Newsday stating that you are so self absorbed that you could not care less who you infect. Of course in Florida nobody even cares that you sneezed. But here is the most important….the cost of living in Florida is Half of what it would be in New York…the minute you finish signing your contract in NY 40% of your contract vanishes…instead of 70 million you are getting 42 million…maybe. Now do you want all that attention and the ridiculous cost of living in the most expensive city in North America, or do you sign in Florida and live a quieter life and still have plenty of money when your career is over?

  4. I think the bad perception of Islanders linger. I was a young teenager when we last won the Stanley cup, the bad dealings, Tavares leaving, older roster, bad drafts. Players in their prime are not gonna jump on that.

  5. Long Island is an overpopulated, traffic congested & overpriced dump. Now, crime in NY is out of control. I’d pick small town Ohio over NY any time.

  6. Also, good luck signing hockey players that don’t want vacccine mandates. Lou has his vaccine mandate order in full effect still. Lou is demented.

  7. Seriously though…hes giving this group one more kick at the can….we'll know which way at the TDL…..

  8. Oddly enough, Lou has said his preference is to acquire thru trade. I say it's odd because that route usually means giving up picks or prospects. The Isles prospect pool is already one of the worst in the league, and trades will only make the future bleaker.

    IMO, Lou has a huge asset that can be used to clear a lot of cap, and that is Varlamov. I have to believe there are/were several teams that would give up a couple of prospects and/or picks to take Baily if Varlamov were included. I just don't get Lou's decision to expose Eberle and cut Toews loose so quickly.

    Yes, this is Lou's do or die year. If Lou doesn't greatly improve the team, he just may not make it thru the summer.

  9. Ledecky was asked by a fan on video about Lou and he basically said Lou has a plan, be patient and he still fully trusts Lou. Maybe the first few yrs I could have said owners are being naive but after several seasons of no big signings, bad arena opening season, firing big time coach… there must be a plan B and Ledecky absolutely knows what it is. There’s too much money involved in organization recently and too many eyes on things at this point. He’s not sitting back like a clueless fan wondering if Lou will do something. U don’t think he personally became successful doing things like that. Having said that, can Lou get it done tho is another question. I’m talking someone legit not a 3rd liner playing top line minutes.

  10. The isles has zero respect for its fans. Every other teams PR dept. are 10x more active than ours is. They stream dev. camps and consistently keep the fans in the loop of the teams progress. It's media blackout 100% of the time under Lou. It's simply not enjoyable being an isles fan anymore.

  11. Have feeling we peeked 2020/2021 and last season started our eventual demise back into the laughing stock the league. Hope I’m wrong. The only fa we ever brought in and fully embraced the team and LI was Doug Weight imo.

  12. You make a lot of great point. But I think the “solution” would have been for Lou to come in, sold off the parts in his first year and do a rebuild. We would be better off right now. But … I don’t think I would ever have given up those first three postseasons for anything. So we are where we are. Hopefully they surprise us as much as that first post JT year where everyone wrote them off

  13. The biggest hurdle for the NYI in signing UFA's is the GM. When he was here in Toronto, he did help to right the ship in some ways but also created a few problems. Overpaying for FA's is he has been known for through out his career and the fans should be wary him doing it again. Hopefully they find a decent scoring forward that isn't a 37 yr old signed to a 3 yr/ 6+Mil that will cost you 1st rd to get rid of. Their are a few agents out there that won't even answer Lou's calls anymore which says a lot really.

  14. Come on. no body was dumb enough to think new building and practice rink. living experience. We have not signed a top player free agent ever.we can't get guys to come over either an old timer or someone untested

  15. Isles are old and slow and they have no talent at all. Barzal is playing with scrubs. They need a rebuild.

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