@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Auston Matthews QUITTANT les Maple Leafs de Toronto? | Coyotes/Rois/DESTINATIONS de l’Arizona ? Rumeurs commerciales dans la LNH

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  1. You bet he wants out of this loosing franchise
    Plus common, Vegas, California
    Sun and Babes golf courses
    The Beiber connection lol
    Exactly where does Bieber reside

  2. I think he stays but if he does want to go elsewhere I hope he helps the organization get good return.

  3. Also if he ever went to L.A I'd be picking up a jersey for sure lol

  4. He will be a UFA if they don't tie him down with a new contract, and teams will be trying to get him by any means necessary. LA would be a big move and he would be the star of the show for sure. It all comes down to what they do this coming season.
    The Leafs have to plan for the worst case scenario and be prepared for anything.

  5. Arizona's going to be mean in the coming years as long as they don't make all those picks for nothing. Overpay to have a homestate superstar to play and try and revamp the organization? I think we'll see a whole new side of the coyotes in the future if Matthews leaves for them. Would be insane.

  6. Matthews is not dumb.. he see's the organization is not smart enough or committed enough to build a winner. He will play out his contract and move on. Anyone who thinks otherwise, well good luck.. 55 years and counting

  7. If he’s smart, he’ll go to the Rangers. They are young and they came within one game of going to the Finals. They will be competitive for a long time. Mathews is also a bit of a fashionista, so he would fit in perfectly in the NYC scene. Plus that City loves its sports stars and it sees enough Hollywood traffic for him to hang with celebrity jock-sniffers, which he seem to like to do.

  8. Mute the Leafs fan homer bias a bit here. It’s a possibility he leaves. If I had the chance to choose my destination as a UFA I would likely want to move back to my home country and/or closer to home. Matthews is going to make bank everywhere. His contract will likely start with a 13. Toronto has a leg up with that 8th year, but you know teams would give him 14 or 15 as a UFA to offset that 8th year. Plus, if he winds up in Dallas, what’s the tax system like there? And if I’m Matthews and Leafs still haven’t won in the next two years, bye.

  9. He's definitely not going to Vegas with the shitty cap situation. Arizona is a maybe but there is the whole playing in a college arena situation and being one of the worst, horribly run teams in the league. And Boston which is probably the last place Leafs want to send especially to a division rival.

  10. He might leave but I really don’t he’s not going to Arizona, do you really think he’s gonna want to play in a college arena? I know it’s his hometown team but their teams that are close to home that don’t share a ring with a university.

  11. If you were a star American player living in a growing communists country… Wouldn't you want to leave too… 😑

  12. You know what it’s time to stop funding those douchebag American players they wouldn’t make half the money they do without us up here in Canada

  13. If Coyotes get Bedard, I could see Matthews joining him in AZ. Which would be scary. If no Bedard, I could see him in Anaheim or LA.

  14. Reasons for leaving: leafs haven’t passed first round. management has remained the same regardless. No physical backup because Toronto = woke and feminine. Canada is cold. Khovid restrictions, lack of freedoms, border issues. Canada is becoming more and more communist. Far from family, far from nice weather, and far from the cup.

  15. If the Leafs had to move him, the return on Matthews would make the Soto deal look minor..lol

  16. I think Mathews is going to leave to Arizona but mcdavid will go to maple leafs. But I think stankos will go to the leafs next year due to salary cap space but just being thoughtful you think?

  17. Finally someone who can think critically to a certain degree.. Auston is going to sign an 8 year extension next July.

  18. This is where Kyle should be talking extension starting this season. You don't wait till his contract runs out before you start to negotiate a new deal, you have no leverage then. You just can't let this player walk out the door without a return at all, if he chose not to sign with the Leaf's "Heaven Forbid". If Kyle waits until Mathews deal runs out and Mathews decided that a change of scenery is in the card's, Kyle would be left with nothing in return. Now that's what would be totally unacceptable. No one want's to loose the Face Of The Franchise in the first place, but to have nothing to show for it would be a devastating blow to the Leaf's organization. You know it's 14 to 15mil to resign him, all that's left is the term, Kyle just Getter Done already, I mean how hard is that negotiation, you put the contract in front of the agent and Mathews, once they put in the amount and term then you sign on the bottom line, The Deal's Done and everyone is Happy Happy, Right? Cheerz ù

  19. Matthews and McDavid are both 'once in a lifetime, generational players' and have won exactly Nothing!!!!. hockey is a team sport.

  20. Is it possible that Matthews would want to be a star in the U.S.? Sure. But, if he is going anywhere, he will go to a team in the U.S. that is in a position to win (and where he can be a star). Arizona is a joke of a franchise, and for a lot of people, "home" is not necessarily where you were born and raised.

  21. Ur vids dont mean s$$t dude.. always wasting ur damn time… subscribed cause i thought u were a source… hell with toronto

  22. Honestly i think if the Leafs don’t make Matthews captain anytime soon he’s gonna leave tbh

  23. First of all i noticed several YouTubers are creating BS titles as clickbait…Austin Mathews …NEXT YEAR why are we talking so far into the future when a million things can change from now till then?Mathews is NOT leaving the Leafs and they would be stupid to EVER think about trading him.Like sooooo many players they can become unhappy if their team big time under achieves they lose faith in management but i don't see the Leafs faltering for a long time.
    The CDN-US dollar ordeal or even the taxes is a bit over played because there are ways around taxes not including investment.

  24. It's up to the player tho. At the end of the day if a KD or another generational player in another league kept losing in the first round of the playoffs as a generational talent you wouldn't want to waste your career not winning championships. I hope Matthews stays because I think the Battle of Ontario will hype in the playoffs with him but I think the leafs need to move JT, Nylander and Muzzin + Brodie to win a cup long term. Leafs need balance and the ability to roll four and three lines of equal value to go on a run.

  25. .after a series of first round exits…it should be apparent…terms like "generational…once in a life time talent" may not apply…they pay Marner 11 million to feed him…..so long..

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