@Islanders de New York

Que signifie le départ de Barry Trotz pour l’espoir des Islanders?

Barry Trotz a été congédié par les Islanders de New York. Quel impact cela aura-t-il sur l’équipe senior des îles sur les jeunes espoirs actuellement dans l’équipe et ceux qui espèrent faire un saut dès que possible? #Îles


  1. I’m happy he’s gone. And If Lane Lambert becomes head coach there is no way we don’t select Brad Lambert! (If he’s available of course)

  2. Unforeseen consequence is Matt Piero the goaltender whisperer goes wherever Barry goes. I worry about the continued excellent play of Sorokin with a new goalie coach.

  3. You want to know why trots is gone? Game 7 against Tampa, Wally healthy scratch, uncle Leo on the first line and we lose 1-0!

  4. How about Olli Jokinen makes his return to the Island, as the Islanders HC? That’s where I am putting my money in Vegas

  5. Hard to play the prospects when they have many signed veteran forwards. Only makes sense if Lou is going to trade away some veterans.

  6. The Islanders seem to have the whole Defensemen grooming thing down… young forwards are their kryptonite though.

  7. Trotz won 5 playoff series in 4 years with a middle of the pack roster. Very fluky and an indictment on Lou’s shit team building. Islanders look closer to a 28 win team for next 5 years than a perennial 45+ in this East.

  8. I think I’m most upset that we won’t see Aatu Raty play in a trotz system, seemed like they were going to work together beautifully

  9. Im not buying this as a positive approach. Dobson last year, and Wally this year were waiver exempt. They could have sent them to the AHL. If you're in the NHL you need to play at an NHL level. I don't put that on Barry, those are mutual bad decisions between the coach and the GM. If Bellows and Wahlstrom get more ice time next year it will mostly be due to the coaching of Barry nd his staff…. but it would have been better for the team to have somebody like Czarnik, Panik or even Holmstrom in those roles until they proved they didn't deserve them.

  10. Looking from Winnipeg I see the team outcomes as preferable here not individual player progress. Paul Maurice tried to soft peddle the players here and we had 2 years of okay hockey in the playoffs. Hopefully he comes our way now as our team needs to win now or rebuild. let's hope both teams benefit.

  11. I tend to agree with you. I think LL realizes we need to get younger and expect him to make the appropriate roster moves to do so. Coaching young players is not Trotz's forte. So I am withholding my comments on this move by LL until we see how this all unfolds next year. I am, however, very concerned about losing our goalie coaches. They are loyal to Barry and they most likely will leave us.

  12. Lou outstayed his welcome in New Jersey , is this the start of the end of Lou? Could be!!

  13. Listen, trotz is a Hall of Fame coach, and there is likely not a better coach to replace him. With that out of the way, for all that worship at the shrine of trotz, this needed to be done. This has become a young league and while it's important to hold the kids accountable, think about the selective accountability applied by trotz on a nightly basis and how that effects the prospects who have to worry about one mistake. The obvious names of Wally, Bellows, Salo hopefully will take a fwd step this year. My dark horse for a good a year next year is Beau. I can see him actually playing loose and offensive, rather than curling into the boards and dumping it low every play. This needed to be done, guys.

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