@Devils du New Jersey

Faits saillants de la LNH | Rangers contre Devils – 22 mars 2022

Les Devils du New Jersey ont marqué cinq buts sans riposte en deuxième période pour vaincre les Rangers de New York 7-4.


  1. Ради интереса присмотритесь, кто обычно у рейнджеров на площадке, когда они пропускают. Я вижу постоянно Райана Линдгрена. Один в один он просто нулина. У него, что компромат на Галлана?))) Линдгрен давно просится в фарм…

  2. Itsa Eighth Wonder of the World that skaters like Kraider can score 42 goals (can BARELY keep the puck for more then 2 sec on his stick) per tournament… Lol, Madames do comment the NHL games on TV, kraider scores 42(!) goals… whatta ligue its gonna be!

  3. Is it just me or did the devils goalie look like he was scared to get hit by the puck on the 2nd goal against ?

  4. Odd to say but it kinda felt like watching Salt Like 2002 olympics game US vs Canada with the amount of Rags fans in the crowd.

  5. I also had some aweful rangers fans in front of me. Why they always got to act like all the trash in their city.

  6. The Devils win the game against their bitter rivals across the Hudson River and the Lincoln Tunnel, the New York Rangers


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