@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Blue Jackets @ Ouragans 13/01/22 | Faits saillants de la LNH

Faits saillants prolongés des Blue Jackets de Columbus aux Hurricanes de la Caroline


  1. Love to see this young team finally get a break! If this does not fire them up, I don’t know what will.

  2. Wow…I could have sworn we were a good team, but apparently I was wrong! There was absolutely no excuse for us to suck this bad! The Canes played like complete trash! Congrats Blue Jackets.

  3. Who'd Carolina play tonight cause that ain't the Blue Jackets. They apparently have been kidnapped and clones have been deployed in their place.

  4. A healthy CBJ team could make some noise in the second half of the season, especially with Elvis flashing the leather like he did tonight. Fire The Cannon!

  5. It's been tough to see them struggle after such a strong start, but at the end of the day all that matters is the development of these young guys. Big night for Cole and Yegor

  6. Can't find video for the life of me as to why DeAngelo got 10 Mims tonight, what happened what did I miss :s?

  7. Good to see the Jackets not blink like they did at home two weeks ago against these guys. It’s just one game but it’s a win that feels good.

  8. Carolina has been a great home team the last two or three years with their ability to come back and the team attitude that matches their head coach. When teams like Columbus match that and keep the foot in the gas I think it exposes Carolina just a bit. Still a great defensive system with some dangerous players, and still a top five team.

  9. Carolina hurricanes needs a new head coach, the Coach always plays the same way. The other thing when they lose the puck their defence is average. I don't see this team going far in the playoffs I'd say second round at best.

  10. It's gotta suck to have your NHL debut on a relief. Team is already down , score and emotionally, and they continue to let breakaways happen. Ouch

    Good luck in the future LaFontaine

  11. What a fun commentary team, Im a CBJ fan, but respect to them for actually giving some credit to when the Jackets play well.

  12. Worth every penny. Awesome game, terrific commentators. I forget what one of them said in in reference to elvis' leg pads they called them pinball kicker pads or something like that. Had me laughing for a minute or 2, never heard that before.

  13. Jackets lose to mediocre Hawks at home. Go to a very good Car and whoop them 6-0. Go figure.

  14. John Bucciogross is trying to challenge Darren Pang’s “Holy Jumpin’!” with his “Holy Schnikes!”

  15. Canes fan but i luv when our commentators give people credit when credit is due. I'm that guy in the stands that laughs anytime my team gets scored on cuz I know they can do better. Want this energy again but us winning next time!

  16. You don’t have to put 1st period on that first scene just start the highlight video. 🧐🤨 so humans can’t see what period it it’s on the upper left of the screen right !! I’m sorry that’s an old white person or a white girl. But ion care I’m mad i keep losing my bets !!! Im taking it out on everyone Kevin Hart dad voice 😂😂😂😂😡😡😡😢😢😢😅😅

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