@Ligue nationale de hockey

Devils du New Jersey – Révision du logo

Devils du New Jersey – Révision du logo



  1. dunkel624

    I’m a graphic designer who specializes in sports uniforms and logos. I’ve always been a huge fan of the Devil’s logo and jersey history. In my opinion, it’s one of the better logos in sports. However, I do believe it’s time for the logo to be updated with some minor tweaks.

    I appreciate all feedback. I’d love to hear opinions from the fans. Thanks, and hope you enjoy it!

  2. _pinnaculum

    Pretty sweet. The serif on the N makes it stand out a bit more. And the shadow gives the logo some depth without changing the logo a ton. Good job. Would love to see your idea for Philly.

  3. Gillalmighty

    Yea I like. Makes it feel fresh

  4. ThumbyOne

    I think the new one looks like the N is crossing its legs. I prefer the old one tbh

  5. FriedCammalleri23

    While i’ll always prefer the original, this is the first redesign that doesn’t make me want to vomit.

    Great work!

  6. TomYOLOSWAGBombadil

    I actually really like this. Nice work

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