@Penguins de Pittsburgh

RÉCAPITULATIF DU JEU : Penguins contre Rangers, match 5 (05.11.22) | Guentzel prolonge sa séquence de buts à cinq matchs

Avec une avance de 3-1 en main, les Penguins de Pittsburgh sont retournés au Madison Square Garden cherchant à ranger les Rangers de New York dans ce match de premier tour. Le redoutable Jake Guentzel a inscrit les Penguins au tableau en premier, prolongeant sa séquence de buts en séries éliminatoires à cinq. Kris Letang a enchaîné avec son propre but au milieu de la seconde pour donner une avance de 2-0 à Pittsburgh, mais les Rangers ne partiraient pas tranquillement. Après que Sidney Crosby ait quitté la glace avec une blessure apparente, New York a marqué trois buts consécutifs sans riposte pour prendre les devants. Jake Guentzel répondrait rapidement avec son deuxième score de la soirée pour égaliser le match à trois pour terminer la période. Pittsburgh n’a cependant pas été en mesure de trouver complètement son jeu en troisième période de jeu. Les Rangers continueraient à prendre les devants tôt dans le dernier quart et ne l’abandonneraient jamais alors que les Penguins tombaient à New York par un score de 5-3, forçant un match 6 à Pittsburgh ce vendredi. ABONNEZ-VOUS pour être parmi les premiers à voir le nouveau contenu Penguins en cliquant ici : https://pens.pe/subscribe


  1. Terrible defending at end of the 2nd and refs wearing Rangers jersey tonight. Unfortunate, but see y'all in game 6

  2. Hardly ever in today's NHL does a series end in 5 games . Both teams and the NHL wants the ticket sales .

  3. What’s your guys thoughts on getting a guy like Evander Kane??? He would protect our guys and get under the opposing teams skin

  4. Stinks we lost. The refs made some pretty horrid calls on the Pens. Lets close it out in game 6!

  5. Gotta say I’ve been reading around and all I have to say is ranger fans should be ashamed of themselves, how disgusting do you have to be to celebrate injuries

  6. Wow Trouba was absolutely HEADHUNTING. I'm sure looking forward to his permanent suspension from the league! Slamming into another player like that is so rude! He could have hurt someone! Doesn't he even know it's SID CROSBY he's BARRELLING into? Who does he think he is?!?! I don't care that Crosby was slouching like a caveman, skating with his head down into a powerhouse, it's TROUBA'S fault that Crosby doesn't have situational awareness and we must PROTECT our delicate captain!

    Especially because he's had a history of being fragile.

  7. I pray that Sid can come back for the next game and isn't seriously injured. I hope it's not a concussion, considering his history with that injury. Losing Sid is much worse than losing the game and not closing out the series.

  8. the pens shpuld have known rangers were desperate and would do something like a dirty hit on sid.

  9. Let’s go Rangers! Keep your head up Sid. Can’t be a bag of potato chips in the playoffs!

  10. we got big lads like Boyle, and probably can lift some tough guys from the farm. Why won't hunt Panarin or Mika or Trouba? Miss good old time, can't imagine an idiot trying to tackle Mario dirty and leave the ice not being punished.

  11. the whining by pens fans is laughable…now we won't have to hear it the rest of the playoffs…Igor says hello and goodbye…lol

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