@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Mike Zeisberger et Bruce Garrioch sur Matt Murray et les Maple Leafs de Toronto

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  1. 4 Guys who haven't skated since 1990 talking about how an NHL goalie loses his angles. Gotta love sports media.

  2. This may be just my thoughts on the matter, but I really think that this has more potential to succeed than fail.
    Murray went from a great situation in Pit, albeit with some injury issues later on. Lost his father, had to go through covid with the rest of the world and get traded to a Senators team that is honestly terrible at defense. Some guys accel in that and others dwindle. I believe that with the Leafs staff which is one of if not the best in the league, they can bring him back to the high quality goalie we have seen before. If not, then it is 2 rough years until we try again.

  3. Murray was setup for failure with that D in Ottawa… Much better results are coming book it!

  4. Frankly, if you're a Leaf fan, having the 2 new guys look calm & in control for forty minutes each vs what was on display from Toskola, Raycroft, Belfor & others who let in soft goals in their exhibtion stints, you have to be encouraged. It proves nothing really, with the more measured assessment coming at the 20+ game mark. Until then, I'm cautiously opimistic with what I observed in the very small sample size. Both guys should benefit from playing behind a better defensive group in Toronto. Garrioch seems highly negative about the likelihood of Murray remaining healthy this season. Hoping that he is wrong about that. We'll see soon enough.

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