@Red Wings de Détroit


LES AILES ROUGES DE DETROIT EN FONT TROP #redwings #nhlfreeagency #nhl


  1. Precision "this a hot take" i never said the Wings were gonna be bad i only said that they MAYBE did a bit too much that's it.

  2. Any time a video starts with “It’s your boy” I just can’t take the take seriously. Sorry.

  3. “Sometimes when you do to much, it’s like doing not enough” 😂😂😂 that’s a Joe Biden quote lmao

  4. The reason Copp cost as much as he did is because he's a center in his prime. The Wings needed a second like center desperately. They also desperately need left side defense. The Copp deal is way better than what what the Ranger signed Trocheck for.

  5. So you have to only get points to earn all there money…faceoffs defence hard worker…get off the internet

  6. lol, maybe stevie y will make you his next hire… lmao you clowning dude

  7. What's wrong with improving the team? Especially after missing the playoffs for a 5th straight year? Mane…..

  8. all he's doing is setting the bar higher and higher to be a rostered player on the Wings …. nothing wrong here at all

  9. Well that's why you're not the GM of the Detroit Red Wings and Steve Yzerman is I think I'm going with the iser plan thank you very much

  10. There are going to be a lot of rookie contracts on the team in the next 5 years… the red wings needed to sign all these guys to be at the cap floor for this year and the next few years to come… all of these contracts can be easily traded and all the players are upgrades from the players in their positions last season. Steve isn’t done, there will have to be a trade or two on the horizon.

  11. Just another Troll bagging on Yzermans decisions on how to build a championship team. So you think we overpaid for most of those players. The Yzerplan says that we can afford both $ and term without handcuffing our ability to resign our core players. If you would have bothered to watch any Redwings games last year you would realize how easy it was for opposing teams to skate unopposed to the danger zone and score. If it takes a few cross checking penalties to get the message out that there will be a price to pay, I’m okay with that. No more free skates in our d zone. If we do get a few more penalties our penalty kill should be much better.
    You may be right that we have overpaid for Copp,
    but he is a vast improvement over Pius Sutter.
    He will make this team much harder to play against. Doing too little to improve your young team has a detrimental effect on the development of your core players. We have the best GM in the league methodically building a championship team that is big, strong, fast, smart and hard to play against. Our players are excited for this upcoming season and so are Redwings fans. Our prospect pool is deep and the future looks bright. Enjoy the show from under your bridge you troll.

  12. They didn’t sign Andrew Copp just for his point totals. They signed Copp for his ability to help the defense and be a responsible center man. Plus he’s a Swiss Army knife. He can do a lot of different things. If you think you could be a GM by looking at stats then you are sadly mistaken.

  13. The Wings have a lot of cap space even after these signings. If you look, the Wings only have four players under contract over two more years (and only two over three more years). More cap space will open up next year with a $3.2M in dead money expiring. Cap problems and bad long term contracts are not much of an issue for the Wings. So if any team can affort "overpay" in the near term, the Wings can. These signings are for today to make the team more competative. Are they Stanley Cup ready signings? No, but they are decent signings and will make Detroit better.

  14. Personally i wanted the Wings to sign Malkin for 3 years (doesn't matter if they overpaid him) and Zadorov. Obviously Malkin stayed with the Pens so that went out the window quick. I still think Zadorov would of been a much better, younger and cheaper option to Chiarot. I'm not a huge fan of the Copp signing but he is a good two way option at center and can easily switch to wing if needed.

    I understand why Yzerman signed all those guys though and it isn't specifically to make the playoffs. Copp, Chiarot and Maata were all good Penalty killers…Wings PK last season was one of the worst in the league and their goals against was one of the worst. Those 3 guys were signed to help in that aspect for the Wings along with mentorship of young players. Another aspect that the Wings sucked at was the powerplay and offense in general. Perron and Kubalik were added for that reason (along with vet presence for Perron). Wings let go of a lot of vets and they have a younger team with plenty more young guys that will come in in the next few years. All those guys are to help the team in areas they were bad at and to allow the Wings time to let their prospects time to develop until they are ready to make the Wings.

    This was all just to make the Wings more competitive while buying some time for prospects. Will they make the playoffs? Who knows but to me they are much better balanced and have way more depth than they had last season. They could be fighting for a playoff spot until the end of the season if things go right.

  15. Bruh. How do you know the lineup Homey. Bert traded? LOL. Stevie’s playing 5 dimensional Chess…go practice Checkers.

  16. Free agency can be a nightmare but if a couple signing work out well that's all you can ask of a gm. The team has holes and is building through the draft so these guys are depth and veteran placeholders while you develop prospects.

  17. To be honest, this is the dumbest video I've ever seen. As you yourself state, you are not GM and many RW fans are very happy about that.

    What expectations did I have of Stevie before free agency?
    That he would be active and tie up several pieces of the puzzle that make the team more stable on all 3 zones.
    Stevie has exceeded my own expectations by at least 3 times that with all the important pieces he managed to tie up.

    I have a personal bias towards you staring blindly at the state far too much, based on your reasoning.
    You forget that all these players are handpicked to contribute and they all gone have clear role in the team, in the end.
    Most have playoff experience, most have higher leadership qualities, most signs will help with our offensive and defensive game (raw stats), We have a new head coach and assistant coach..

    Davis Perron, a solid sign worth his contract.
    Andrew Coop, a 2:nd Center who will relieve D.L during the season through his ability to be able to play in any position, solid pick up hands down. (personal bias, Key pick up for us my 2 cents.)

    T.B, his not gone be traded at TD, I don´t see him play when we pick the cup up. But at the moment he gone stay in RW.
    Who can take his role today as and make him redundant?

    Dominik Kubalik, Still young and developable, an solid pick up that is easy to move if it doesn't work as planned.
    His main goal will be to score goals and increase our goal yield over 82 games.
    Side not: D.K might be able to speed up Zadina, because today we have several very good players to rely on!

    Ben Chiarot, Let Ben do what he's good at. He is a heavy and difficult defender to face. If our new coach can get Ben to stop taking stupid penalty, then a lot is solved in Ben's basic game. His experience will rub off on MO, we will see more offensive play from MO in the coming season. We must not forget that MO actually carried our defensive part for 82 games. A burden to bear as a young promising player, he did a great job, ty Mo.
    Here too, it is my opinion that this is a Key trade of Stevie. 4 years also gives peace and rawness to those in our pipeline, to be allowed to develop without being stressed in.

    Stevie pick up a solid goalie, that will do wonders with Ned. Since he also needs relief and he needs better training grounds, where the competition today is tougher in several key positions within the team today (*on paper).

    The common thing with the above is that this is not visible in the player state. To see this, one needs to know a little of our own shortcomings.

    At best, this video is just clickbait. I'm glad none of us are GMs for RW though. I love all the trades that were and I will support the ones that will come.

    Someone below write that they wanted Malking? The question I ask myself is, why trade for an older player who hasn't played many matches since ~2016? Malking is way too injury prone for my taste, He was a god blessed player when he was healthy and younger. Thats not Malking today is it…

  18. Looks like your gonna learn the lesson that most people in the NHL continue to learn …. Yzerman is a better GM than you … people said the same things when he was in Tampa and we all know how that turned out.

  19. Listen up buddy, if it wasn't for Yzerman, Tampa Bay wouldn't have two cups and a final last season. I don't think YOU have the credentials or experience to question his managing. How many cups are you involved with again?…

  20. As a Red Wings fan, I agree to an extent. For Copp, ideally he would have signed for 4 years, but I think the 5th year helped lower the AAV, plus the closest comp this offseason was Trocheck. Considering Trocheck has 7 years versus Copp's 5, I'm satisfied. Then, Chiarot is too much money and term. Since he plays both sides that helps and we have at least 1-2 rookie defensemen (hopefully) playing in Detroit this season, we need the veteran presence. Not like the last few season where we iced all but 1-2 NHL-caliber d-men that wasn't fun and didn't help the rookies.

    Kubalik is my favorite signing, but I really liked Määttä's contract too. Both seem to have little risk, but potentially high reward.

    It's always great to hear other perspectives on the Red Wings. We, as Wings fans, can become a bit of an echo chamber without the most realistic viewpoints. Trusting Yzerman is great. It's also just as fine to debate the moves he makes. This doesn't demean Yzerman or claim that a person knows more than him. It's all in good fun to share thoughts and opinions.

  21. I think this isn’t a hot take. I’ve been thinking this for awhile now. As a wings fan all I can is trust Yzerman

  22. I think the red wings made a lot of good moves I just wonder have they done this too early. In my opinion this team is still going to have a very hard time making the playoffs and it’s not because I think there bad it’s just there’s 4 teams in my opinion that are better in there division Florida Toronto Tampa and even Ottawa now. I think the wings can make it Ottawa is not a for sure thing but it’s will be hard, I just wonder if another year of growth for the young dudes and a higher pick would be good for the wings and then go after it in 2 years

  23. $5.6 million makes Copp the 47th highest paid center in the NHL. The others centers around his pay grade have similar stats. It's fine.

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