
Devils du New Jersey – Révision du logo

Devils du New Jersey – Révision du logo



  1. dunkel624

    I’m a graphic designer who specializes in sports uniforms and logos. I’ve always been a huge fan of the Devil’s logo and jersey history. In my opinion, it’s one of the better logos in sports. However, I do believe it’s time for the logo to be updated with some minor tweaks.

    I appreciate all feedback. I’d love to hear opinions from the fans. Thanks, and hope you enjoy it!


    That looks way sharper well done

  3. Ok_Stick_2086

    Not fan of the brighter red and red shadowing, looks like a corporate focus group design. Everything else I dig.

  4. hailmary_sleetjesus

    I like the sharper features, especially the serif on the N, though I noticed the white outline stroke had its corners rounded. Any reason those didn’t stay pointed as well? Other than that, I think this looks like a great refresh!

  5. 47rohin

    I like it! Brings out the N more. I honestly didn’t notice that it was an NJ the first time I saw the original logo.

    Though I’m not sure how it’d look on a new New Jersey jersey

  6. treple13

    I like. Keeps the classic, but makes it pop

  7. specifichero101

    You know what, I actually like it. Subtle enough but definitely freshens it up without trying to mess with an already great logo.

  8. FilmNerdasaurus

    I like the shadowing a lot. The n bothers me with the point but it’s honestly a really well done modern twist on a classic logo

  9. frost_biten

    Maybe if the Devils were an expansion team, but idk how I’d feel about it if I were a purist

  10. hebbocrates

    looks really good. classic but modernized, love it

  11. Duffman66CMU

    Can you explain the choice to cast a shadow on the top left and also the bottom right?

  12. BlueHarvestJ

    The shading on the red give it a cartoony feel. Dunno if that is good or bad

  13. Thumper86

    A little too bubble-lettery for my taste.

  14. dillybomb420

    How have they not already done this lol

  15. Purple-Expression373

    I really like it!

    Are you going to do other teams as well ?

  16. blondespikes22

    Love it!

    Would love to see the Avs revamp / modernize the A

  17. Yakitack

    Solid work, it looks pretty good, very clean.

    That being said, since I know Devils employees look here, do not touch the fucking logo you jackasses. Your stupid Jersey Jersey sucks and whatever marketing campaign contest you just won is probably a long con that will turn out to be like the Razzies.

  18. ForeverJung

    If you’re looking for feedback, here’s what stands out:

    Mixed shadow placement. Could pick a different lighting angle for more effect.

    Where the right leg of the n turns into the tail is too thick. Simultaneously, where the tail crosses the left leg of the n is too thin.

    Could benefit from separation of the tail from the surrounding circle.

  19. Downgrade from original, shadows make look like logo from 90’s, original is much cleaner

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