@Jets de Winnipeg

Les tempéraments s’embrasent entre les jets et les feuilles après que Pionk Knees Sandin et Jason Spezza aient réussi un coup douteux

Une séquence de jeux qui commence avec Neal Pionk agenouillé Rasmus Sandin, Jason Spezza riposte ensuite et une mêlée s’ensuit lors de la mise au jeu suivante.


  1. I think Spezza did the right thing in retaliation for his teammate because the ref didn't call the my knee on knee if the ref would have called it Spezza wouldn't have done this he did the right thing

  2. I like fighting fire-with-fire.. but we all know how this can go bad. Glad Spezza didn’t cause any long term damage on the play

  3. I'm all for blaming the refs too, but the League seems to turn a blind eye to dirty hits and dangerous actions that go beyond "good hockey." They seem more interested in punishing when grown men act childish than when people be trying to end careers…

  4. If you have a bad teacher in school, the teacher is replaced. If you have a bad manager at work, the manager is replaced. If you have bad refs, the players are punished by having to take matters in their own hands. something doesn’t make sense..

  5. I hadn't seen Spezza's hit until this, I have to say… I don't think he was trying to knee the head, he led with his shoulders. However, Pionk had gone down to the ice, Spezza should have let up on the hit, but was intent on landing it… and so hit him in the head.
    Suspended 6 games for this, especially when he's had NO disciplinary action previously, seems excessive.

  6. Good, the jets player literally did an illegal knee and skates off smoking while spezza is finishing a hit after a player dives at your feet last second lol

  7. Never want to see anyone get hurt, but man was that exciting! Finally, some old-time hockey fireworks!

  8. Whoever wrote the headline for this is a F-ing moron. Questionable hit? The only question was how many games is he get.

  9. Neutral here: would have loved to see Spezza knock Pionk's head off with that hit. Beautifully timed knee.

  10. How the refs missed that knee on knee is awful. That stuff ruins guys careers

  11. There was a time a player would just fight poink and that would be the end of it. Too bad they essentially got rid of fighting in hockey.

  12. A brad meier officiated game getting out of hand due to missed calls on malicious hits 😯 Im shocked. I definitely haven't seen this so many times that I know him by name.

  13. Im not a fan of either team before the idiots start calling fanboy. Sandin caused that knee on knee. Other dude had his legs practically closed and never stuck out a leg. Sandin dodged the hit, but got his leg caught. That Spezza knee to the head was downright dirty. I hope it's league reviewed and he gets a suspension.

  14. These refs: NO FIGHTING! Winnipeg gets to do dirty hits and anything Toronto does in retaliation, even if its a fair fight will be a game ejection.

  15. Love seeing the raw emotion and players standing up for one another like this! The game has been missing this kind of bite recently!

  16. how does pionk take that knee to the head that slams his head downwards twice to put his helmet on lmao just gives me a headache watching it

  17. So many comments about the refs losing control of the game and I’m sitting here thinking this is exactly what the NHL is missing. Throwback games are few and far between, the current NHL product is like working in a clean room environment, it’s boring and sterile to say the least. You can’t have followed the NHL for long if you think this is an an example of dirty and poor officiated game, to me this is what the product should be and was an average game back in the 90s early 00s. We got guys on rival teams hugging one another after games these days.

  18. Spezza clearly wasn't trying to knee him in head, he was trying to destroy him for his dirty hit on Sandin.

    Same guy who knee'd Marner last year. He was gonna take a well-deserved beating.

  19. Knee on knee is one of the most disgusting plays in hockey. The players association should mandate that there is an automatic 10 games with no pay. The pay would go to minor hockey to teach kids how not to be goons. This tactic can end careers. I'm one of the few who couldn't care less if the Jets or the Leafs win or lose. Take the cheap shots out of hockey and it could be fun to watch.

  20. I don't know why refs don't call more majors and misconducts. Not all the time, but if something is vicious, punish the player. It's not like these transgressions are anything like interference, for example, which are 2 minutes. Call heavier sanctions if the act is much worse.

  21. What new? The NHL has been known as having the worst officials in all professional sports for ever.

  22. What's the complaint about the Spezza hit? Don't go to the ground where the knees are if you don't wanna get a knee in the chin.

  23. This could've all been prevented if pionk got a game misconduct. If those cowards would've fought Simmonds. But that coward fights him as the 3rd man in.

  24. yeah idk about thsi doesnt seem like the JEts guy did much to avoid the knee on knee..while he didnt stick his knee out he shouldve or couldve seen this coming and tried to avoid it i didnt see anything here about him trying to avoid the knee on knee so there probably shouldve been a call there intentional or not…but as for the Spezza hit that was just low…i think this was taken out of proportion but agian i didnt watch the whole game and maybe this garbage was going on all game and this was just one incident…Spezza shouldve got a penalty and probably ejected maybe even for a cheap shot…i dont think it was anything perosnal and it seems that show everyone took it.

  25. if you call one you call the other..not sure what was going here but seemed soem frustration form the leafs or both teams..the knee probably shouldve been called whether accidental or not but as i said he did nothing to avoid it. Spezzas shouldve been for sure..you cant let the players take matter sinto their own hands you have to make calls on those then it puts the players in their place…and cut the nonsense. clearly it wasnt done but justice was served i guess since they both got suspended…some bad no calls but ..sheit happens.

  26. Brad meier is the worst official in the NHL consistently making terrible calls and letting games get out of hand all at the expense of the players. the NHL has failed the players and fans by not holding these morons accountable they will probably reward him if anything.

  27. Pionk knew he deserved something dirty after that knee on knee. That’s why he just got up and left.

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