@Wild du Minnesota

Aperçu de la saison sauvage du Minnesota 2020-21

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  1. The wild should keep these colors in my opinion. I’ve been hoping since day one they would at least lose the red. The old colors look great with the logo

  2. If we don't get to see Kaprizov Rossi and Fiala on a line together then this year is a disaster (unless we win the cup I guess)

  3. It's gonna be different without Koivu and Dubnyk. I love those guys, and it will be hard to let go of them, but I'm hopeful that we're moving in the right direction.

  4. We get a year head start on the rest of the Central on becoming rivals with the Yotes!

  5. Minnesota: The team that's good enough to just barely miss the playoffs each year. Never high draft pick, hurting their own progression

  6. Merry Christmas all!! Dubby for Talbot??? It's not a REAL SOLUTION. It is simply good for now, we hope???? MN got very lucky at the draft, otherwise there center depth would be worse!!! We will have to see how it goes. I expect MN to be competitive, but I do not expect them to make a deep run in the playoffs :/

  7. "boring to watch" reminds me of Mike yeo get a 2-1 lead in the second and try to end the game

  8. Here's a glass half full point: For two seasons straight the Wild has been nr 1 in the entire league in xGA (expected goals against) but 12th in actual GA in 2018-2019 and 22nd(!!) in 2019-2020. Goaltending fucked the Wild something fierce.

  9. Going to be a season of getting the "youngsters" better acclimated to NHL level play. Hopefully, it will pay off come '21/'22.

  10. From what I understand, Zuccarello is dealing with “back-to-back” season injuries and likely spends a good part of the 2021 season on injured reserve. While he may regain form at some point, he seems to have little future value except during power-play and penalty-kill situations. I’m not expecting much from the journeyman.
    A 4th place finish is a reasonable prediction sir, along with a 1st round playoff exit, given the questionable western division alignment.
    Despite other YouTube critics, I like the 7 core forwards presented here, and the Wild still have a solid set of defensemen. Goaltending should improve as well.

  11. This is the first time in a long time I’ve been itching for the NHL season to start. Just so many young guys coming in to make a name, and Fiala broke out last year(he’s what kept me watching). I know I’m being too optimistic, as comes with being a Minnesota sports fan, but one can only hope

  12. Having Dubnyk GONE was my dream come true. I was only Begging the hockey gods for 4-5 years to get rid of the dumpster fire. Bill Guerin is a hero

  13. Very good research, the only thing I'd add as to why Billy G got rid of Koivu and Staal was bc he said The Wild had a country club mentality and needed a change of culture. So let the old guys go and get what you can for them (Johansson) and chalk it up as progress.

  14. I feel like you're pretty spot on for the Wild's season in 21. I think the goalie situation will spur some healthy competition between the old guys and also motivate Kahkohnen. PP will be good for the boys with Fiala and Kaprizov… I like Bjugstad on PP too, also being a Minnie boy in his hometown and look for him to have solid numbers. D will score some bombs with a healthy (and trade-motivated?) Dumba as well as Spurgeon taking it up a quiet notch as C. Again, we gotta keep Parise and Suter healthy… they should be able to afford a slightly softer role with the younger speedsters. D needs to have better numbers, or at least hold and increase offensive numbers (more likely)… the .02 differential definitely won't cut it going into the playoffs on a shortened season. I like Rossi and Addison, too… if we can find healthy ways to insert them it will be beneficial for team chemistry I think. Greenway and Brodin will bounce back to grind and score with younger players.

  15. After seeing Boldy in the world juniors…hard not to get excited about the future. The prospect system is full of rich talent and potential and this team may be a future contender in 3 years. Just need a few defensive and goalie prospects in this years draft and I think our pool becomes on of these in the league. Two first round draft picks this year adds tons of potential.

  16. The King is coming !!!! Great song, Newsboys !!!! In a blink of an eye, Mercy me. Cant wait. Maranatha !!!!!! Dude Just like the Dems stealing the election. Greenbay packer colors have infiltrated our glorious Wild jerseys. Deep state in the NHL. Every Minnesotan should be outraged by the scheming cheese head nation.

  17. Johansson has been playing wing in practice and in the 2 scrimmages the Wild have held so far. I believe their Centers are as such currently: Bjugstad, Bonino, Ekk, Rask. But the way Evason coaches, I wouldn't write anything down in ink.

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