@Canadiens de Montréal

Faits saillants de la LNH | Sénateurs contre Panthers – 14 décembre 2021

Nick Paul et Josh Norris ont tous deux marqué deux fois et récolté une aide, tandis qu’Anton Forsberg a stoppé 33 des 35 tirs qu’il a affrontés alors que les Sénateurs d’Ottawa écrasaient les Panthers de la Floride 8-2.


  1. Where the Hell are the Florida Fans??? They are one of the best teams in the NHL…You didn't miss anything but for a team that only had One loss at home before tonight's game, the fan attendance is embarrassing.

  2. I'm willing to bet there were fans of BOTH teams staring in disbelief thinking "that wasn't supposed to happen…"

  3. Надо было вратаря вовремя менять,он психологически сломался

  4. это пипец просто с кэф.4.50 выносит на 8-2!!
    что в этом чёртовом нхл творится вообще

  5. Во Флориде вечно пустые трибуны

  6. Florida are top of the league and still got an empty stadium Jesus Christ

  7. Goes to show you how talented Ottawa is, they have recently defeated Carolina, Tampa, Colorado and now Florida in such a big fashion. They just need consistency, they need some more vets to guide the kids thru the ups and downs of a season.

  8. Кошмарный вечер для Флориды и для Найта. Парень совсем не опытный, не так давно стали его в ворота ставить. Надеюсь психологически не сломается после 8 шайб.

  9. Lol Florida commentators getting mad when Bennett clearly slashed Sanford first

  10. Big win over a great team. I don’t want to be a buzzkill but just keep in mind.. 6 of those 8 goals were odd man rushes, breakaways or power plays.

    To me, it looks like Fla took Ott lightly with a rookie goalie in net and got burned.

    But obv Ottawa isn’t a team to sleep on. If they’re still doing this 2-3 weeks from now when the league has adjusted, you have something.

  11. There's my Sens. I knew they were there. Remember last year we went on an end of season run.
    They have the offense as you can see. It's tightening up the defense that is needed. To shut down the 5on3 as well as not have Florida go on one of their famous comebacks, is a Great sign. Confirms that we HAVE a good team. 5 wins baby!

  12. Разгром полный. Увольнение Кенневиля, отсутствие нормальных вратарей, сломали игру хорошей команды. Жаль, очень жаль!!!

  13. Absolutely Senful beatdowns happening in Florida this past week. Would've lost a bunch of money betting on OTT scoring 12-2 against TB & FLA lol wow…

  14. Охренеть аутсайдер громит одного из лидеров…причём на его же льду!))

  15. Panthers will always be the laughing stock of the league. Disenfranchise.

  16. GG,but where was this kind of play a month ago???DJ needs to have his team ready to go at the start of the season not 20 some games in…

  17. Похоже ''Пантеры'' собирались выиграть не напрягаясь, за что и поплатились. Негоже так издеваться над своим вторым голкипером. Зрители на трибунах, тоже, могут не понять такой игры. Об ''Флориду'' реально вытерли ноги.

  18. Thank you Ottawa for embarrassing those overrated bum. -Sincerely this happy Lightning fan 😀

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