@Flames de Calgary

Scrum éclate entre les Flames et les Oilers après que Milan Lucic ait frappé Connor McDavid

Regardez une mêlée entre les Flames de Calgary et les Oilers d’Edmonton éclater après que Milan Lucic a frappé Connor McDavid près des bandes.


  1. Nurse is such a clown holy f*ck he's a joke LOL. every time i see him play, he just douing dumb thing and get embarrassed himself

  2. you never run a star and expect to get away with it…this will continue next game until their is def payback

  3. Hockey needs to stop fighting non sence
    2 games each suspension for a fight

  4. Such bullshit. Let Kane answer for his teammate, to hell with these pansy ass officials that stop fights.

  5. LUCIC – has been.a big.s- disturber for a long time and nothing knew here. Connor has been.the BEST player in the league for sometime. This is hockey intimidation for many years and Lucuc has always been.apart of that. C"ext la vie!!

  6. I like lucic a trillion times more now that he's not playing for Boston

  7. Milan Lucic will definitely go down as one of the toughest hall of famers of all-time.

  8. Lucic used to be a brick but now his head is the only thing left of the brick. Him going 3km/h can only benefit Canada's team and oilers will prevail. Oil in 5

  9. He stopped,Dwyer and St. Laurent must have showered in Oiler dressing room after game

  10. You guys are morons .. get off Looch d*ck for a second. He does good moves at times .. and than these moves are boosted by media and fans who enjoy sensationalism..

    But the fact is Looch is mow a dead weight. His speed cant make him play in this kind of hockey.

    Good thing for Oilers. Watch the Flames go down.

  11. This was the Looch who was so instrumental to the Bruins' Cup run in 2011. Just running guys over and being a force. Seeing him win another Cup with the Flames would suit me just fine as a Bruins fan, and he's sure doing his part to make it happen!

  12. what's with the linesmen not letting anyone drop their gloves during the play-offs this year. It's what everyone wants to see!!!!

  13. Hockey is so weak. Every single time a clean hit happens on a star, the game has to stop so everyone can hug each other. So pathetic. Play the game

  14. Lucic is a headhunter always has been let see him have to guts to go against nurse, nurse would destroy him. The whistle clearly was blown and he puts arms up like,why are oilers going after him. What a jerk

  15. He was just mad cause he could never tap in Connors passes the year he led the league in opportunities missed haha

  16. Everytime i see lucic i get some what emotional because i have a lucic jersey from when he played with the best team in the NHL Boston Bruins i was and still am a big fan of his

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