@Bruins de Boston

Les Bruins de Boston signent Brett Harrison pour un contrat d’entrée de gamme

Les Bruins de Boston signent le meilleur espoir Brett Harrison pour un contrat d’entrée de gamme. Dans cette vidéo, je regarde la carrière de Harrison avec les Generals d’Oshawa et je parle de ce qu’il peut apporter aux Bruins de Providence. Je donne également mon avis sur le joueur et sur le rôle qu’il joue dans l’avenir des Bruins.


  1. Admittedly, I have never seen him play even one shift, but IMO it seems like another draft pick that has a ceiling of a 3rd line center. That's fine, but nothing to get too excited about.

  2. Studnika and Harrison down the middle for the next 15 years??? Lysell, Pasta, Swayman, McAvoy all young guys of the future. It’s not as bleak as people make it seem

  3. I watched the tape on this kid.
    Unbelievable. He's fast. Shoots wicked on target.
    BNG fantastic job on the report.

  4. I don’t think at 19 with a year left in the CHL that he can play with Providence…. It’s a deal with the AHL and CHL to keep the CHL strong 💪…. So he would be sent back to junior but I could be mistaken but I don’t think he can . But like his size and speed ….Sounds like a bottom 6

  5. Don, you need to sign players for this coming season! Your signing prospects to try to save your own ass.

  6. Thanks. I didn't know about this guy. Other than Lysell and maybe Lohrei, there didn't seem to be anyone in the org to be positive about.

  7. Harrison is a very hard working player and does not lose battles too often, he has some offence as well. He could be in the Bergeron mold in the NHL.

  8. Will be interesting if the Bs hold on to Brett, he is the only other player tham Lysell who is making noise.Just athe type of kid Don-ass has unloaded in the past for dead wood at the trade deadline. I hope Prov coaching doesn’t mess with his game he has solid potential and likes to play hard every game.

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