@Predators de Nashville

Chant des Predators de Nashville (Finale de la Coupe Stanley 2017, match 3)

Une explication des chants de la foule après que les Predators aient marqué un but, via Hockey Night in Canada sur Facebook et CBC Sports à www.cbc.ca


  1. I love it !! I keep watching and chanting with them .. this is hilarious hahha

  2. You missed the first part! They say that's 2 thanks Murry, may we have another? He shoots he scores you suck

  3. I could not hear it clearly with the 5 Stanley Cup rings in my ears!!!!!
    Yes I will have another!!!!!
    Sid Shoots
    He Scores
    You Suck!!!!!
    Ri-nne, Ri-nne, Ri-nne
    You Suck!!!!!
    It's all your fault
    It's all your fault
    It's all your fault

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