@Red Wings de Détroit

Sélections du repêchage des Detroit Red Wings 2021 (rondes 1 à 5)

Ronde 1 0:00 – Simon Edvinsson (6e au total) 7:53 – Sebastian Cossa (15e au total) Ronde 2 12:11 – Shai Buium (36e au total) Ronde 3 13:48 – Carter Mazur (70e au total) Ronde 4 15 : 54 – Redmond Savage (114e au total) Ronde 5 17h05 – Liam Dower Nilsson (134e au total) 18h25 – Oscar Plandowski (155e au total) Ronde 6 Pasquale Zito (166e au total) Edvinsson : https://www.eliteprospects.com /player/394730/simon-edvinsson Cossa : https://www.eliteprospects.com/player/476602/sebastian-cossa Buium : https://www.eliteprospects.com/player/512185/shai-buium Mazur : https: //www.eliteprospects.com/player/201766/carter-mazur Savage : https://www.eliteprospects.com/player/512173/red-savage Dower Nilsson : https://www.eliteprospects.com/player/411879 /liam-dower-nilsson Plandowski : https://www.eliteprospects.com/player/473290/oscar-plandowski Zito : https://www.eliteprospects.com/player/413679/pasquale-zito Si vous souhaitez soutenir le canal : https://paypal.me/awood1340 ou https://www.patreon.com/awood40


  1. Detroit once again has an over abundance of left shooting defensemen. Still would have liked more centers in the farm system. You can't win with Larkin. Need more centers for more competition.

  2. I was a little confused with the choice of Cossa over Wallstedt at first just because of how hyped Wallstedt was, but after seeing Cossa’s stats, highlights, and post-draft interview, I really like the pick. Some of the late-round picks look promising too

  3. Thank you so much for putting this together Alex! I missed the entire draft because of a weekend long work event, wouldn’t have been able to see this all put together without you!

  4. Gary Bettman hates Detroit. I promise you that he was hurt by the Wings getting two top 15 picks in the draft.

  5. Who is the douchebag that gave a thumbs down?? My man cut and put this video together for ppl that missed or couldn't get access to watch it and beautiful i might add!! If it's a thumbs-down for the draft class I would understand but you shouldn't give a thumbs down for this video this guy went way out of his way to make this for us faithful Detroit Redwings fans to enjoy and for u not to have to go click on 8 different videos to watch highlights of these kids so he put it all together in one

  6. It’s funny what the guys said, if the other gm was jelly of Stevie. They are right tho bc I don’t think Stevie can ever do anything wrong in Detroit, he’s so loved here that I don’t think he can ever ever be fired. The fans will burn the city down if they ever try to do something like that.

  7. I loved Eklund and believe he'll be an incredible player in the league but the edvinsson pick was primo. He's a modern dman. Especially because of his nice reach. Poke checks are the new big hits. It is what it is.

  8. what a goddamn hack outfit this tv crew is . its a crime tsn with james duthie , mckenzie , dreger , lebrun , odog , ray , etc isnt doing these drafts . a huge loss for nhl fans

  9. I hate the edvinsson pick. Why draft a low iq william wallinder 2.0 when you can take Brandt Clarke?? just because he is swedish? is it because Clarke is right handed? it doesnt matter to me, Clarke could be pp QB and Seider elite number 1 d, but instead we get edvinsson :/ is it too late to go back and change the pick…

  10. Yzerman’s aggressiveness in trades is what has been lacking in Detroit, Holland failed to adapt, he never tried to make a big move at trade deadlines, and he was pretty terrible in a lot of drafts, it’s beautiful to see Yzerman doing what is necessary to build a winning hockey team.

  11. If Holland would have taken the promotion the Wings wouldn't be in the mess they are in now. Instead, we had to sit and watch Stevie turn Tampa into a powerhouse while we worked just barely talented enough small guys into the lineup for years. Also, love how you finish with worst record and never got a top 3 pick. I will never believe that stuff ain't rigged.

  12. I liked the Seider pick after watching his highlights and I liked the Edvensonn pick as well after watching the highlights. I don't follow NHL prospects so I go off the highlights. It's probably why I was in the minority in liking the Seider pick when it happened.

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