@Canucks de Vancouver

Merci aux fans des Canucks 2021-2022

Merci aux fans des #Canucks ! Merci pour votre soutien indéfectible et inconditionnel durant la saison 2021-2022. Votre présence s’est fait sentir tous les soirs, à la Rogers Arena et derrière les lignes ennemies. Merci d’avoir contribué à créer des souvenirs qui dureront toute une vie. Si vous souhaitez vous tenir au courant de toutes les dernières nouvelles, des faits saillants, des fonctionnalités et du contenu All-Access Canucks, assurez-vous de vous abonner à un ou à tous nos flux sociaux, que vous pouvez trouver ci-dessous. #Canucks Abonnez-vous à la chaîne YouTube officielle des Canucks ici : http://www.youtube.com/Canucks Vous pouvez également nous suivre sur Twitter (@Canucks) : http://twitter.com/canucks Consultez notre page Facebook : http ://facebook.com/canucks Voir des photos et des vidéos sur Instagram : http://instagram.com/Canucks Chaque canal est assez unique, donc si vous voulez voir tout ce que les Canucks ont, vous voudrez certainement vérifier chaque canal.


  1. Gonna be a long 6 months till we see the boys again, and I hope management doesn’t do anything stupid like get rid of miller . I hope we do something good this summer. I love PlayOff Hockey and it sucks not watching the boys play in it . Long 6 months see yea then boys . 👍. Management Don’t do anything stupid.

  2. We may have not made it to the playoffs, but we had one hell of a run under Bruce Boudreau! He definitely deserves a contract extension! BRUCE THERE IT IS forever!

  3. See you next year Vancouver Can’t wait to see what you guys do next year I hope I get to come to one of your games next year
    Canucks Number One no matter what

  4. I hope they find a way in that dressing room to take some discounts to stay together and win something like the 2011 core group did

  5. You did good considering all the stuff they went through pandemic , you all worked and tried, now great coach Bruce next year we will be in playoffs we will do it. ❤❤❤👍love my Canucks

  6. We may not have made the play offs but it showed that with a change there is hope in the next couple of years

  7. So proud of the boys for playing their a**es off in the ladder half of the season. Almost snuck in. Can’t wait for next year

  8. 40 wins is pretty good all things considered;

    have a great off season yallzz –

    head start on the champs for 2023;

    train hard;


  9. This season was NOT a disappointment. At the beginning of the season and the first 20 games I was down. Then the management moves happened the team responded and everything changed. I'm looking forward to next season and our journey towards winning the Stanley Cup.

  10. 27 home games this year for me… was a great season. BRUCE THERE IT IS! see yall in september <3

  11. Even if the result just short to playoff clinch, i love the attitude of whole team during final playoff push. Love to see it and looking foward to next season.

  12. Thank you for a wonderful season, and I’m glad to have gone to the last home game against LA, what a game ✊🏾
    Can’t wait for the next season to start 👍🏾✊🏾 GO CANUCKS GO✊🏾👍🏾

  13. Love these end of season montages. Bo's sounding a lot like Hank before him with the narration 🥲

  14. This year started off rough, we were all so excited, we knew this team could play the way they did in the second half of the season, to see them get a new coach and the organization make changes from the top down, and to see just the overall state of the team completely 180 into a team with hope, fight and to claw back all the way to playing meaningful games in April is just nothing short of amazing and how this teams drive and hunger is when they have all the right pistons firing! Bruce did an excellent job and I’d love to see him take the reigns next year for a full season, our stars shined, some having career years and some just getting started. I feel we made big steps as a team and if we have a great off-season where the organization makes all the right moves and the players work hard to be better and they come in with that culture they want to come in with and grow from I know it’s cliche but I truly feel the future is bright. Go Canucks Go! 💪👊

  15. Tough been a Canucks fan in the UK, I don't get all the news/full games over here. But got my jersey/game highlights on YouTube and I'll be cheering you on from across the pond all through next season. Lets go lads 🏒

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