@Oilers d'Edmonton

Les Oilers d’Edmonton signent Jay Woodcroft pour une prolongation de 3 ans | Informations privilégiées de Bob Stauffer

Le fanatique des Oilers passe en revue la signature de Jay Woodcroft et les informations de l’initié des Oilers Bob Stauffer. #Oilers #LetsGoOilers


  1. Man, that awards show was cringe… Hopefully the 6 players in attendance enjoyed their night. Also, apparently 3 voters didn’t even have McDavid on their ballot… LOL!!!

  2. no need to trade Klefbomb just a waste of a draft pick , keep him on LTIR

    trade Kassian at 25% or 50% retained to Sens since their coach like him

    trade Barrie for a Prospect or draft picks should be able to get 2 2nds or a 2nd and 3rd ( Broberg, niemalainen and Desharnies can fight for the 6th/7th Dspot

    Keith is probably staying

    Smith is retiring or going on LTIR

    Oilers could easily have over 20mil in cap but that money will still be used up quickly 5 to 6mil on a goalie, Kulak, Yamo, Puljujarvi/UFA, McLeod, any extra money will be used on UFA depth players.

  3. Good news all around. I kind of have mixed feelings when it comes to Kane and I wonder how much the Oilers are willing to pay to keep him and how long Kane is gonna shop around.
    It wouldn't hurt my feelings if any of the other players are dealt away for other hopefuls.
    I do think it would be cool if we could deal for Josh Manson and then the father son duo would be excellent for us. He brings some much needed physical as well as some more playoff experience to the team but hope they don't over spend to acquire him.
    You know how Holland has a tendency to do that… I think it would benefit that Holland saves some cap space to make later trade decisions before the trade deadline.
    Look how well that went when we acquired Kane. No one would touch him save a few organizations and he fit in quite well overall.

  4. Great news for sure. Believe Manson is a must if the plan is to bring up the Bakersfield D . Love to keep Kane but not at an unreasonable price. Going to be an interesting summer. Keep the vids rolling, I look forward to them. Thanks Patrick

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