@Canadiens de Montréal

Conférence de presse de Matthew Tkachuk : Devenir un chat

Branchez-vous alors que le nouvel attaquant des Panthers Matthew Tkachuk s’adresse aux médias avec le directeur général Bill Zito pour la première fois dans le sud de la Floride. Assurez-vous de suivre tout ce qui concerne les chats sur floridapanthers.com ou en consultant @FlaPanthers sur Twitter, Facebook, Instagram et TikTok.


  1. Sorry to much was given for one player.
    I love what they say got young talent …. Yeah since we gave all our number one draft picks till 2026

  2. Welcome Matthew!!! I can’t wait to see you play for the Cats !!! Please drill Pat Maroon through the boards when we play them !!! Thank you for choosing Florida brotha !!!

  3. Congrats Florida on downgrading your offence, defence and depth for the biggest turtle in the league. Not to mention he’s a 70 point guy without Johnny Hockey….. but enjoy the contract though 😂😂😂

  4. As a Flames fan this makes me sick. I have his flames jersey. I know Johnny leaving was tough. But I will miss Matthews Toughness. WOW… I just found out about this. DAMN

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