@Canadiens de Montréal

Une panthère de Floride en voie de disparition capturée en vidéo – Mossy Oak

Cette panthère de Floride insaisissable, en voie de disparition et sans collier s’est approchée à moins de dix mètres de l’équipe vidéo de Mossy Oak Hunting The Country alors qu’elle tentait d’appeler une dinde dans le sud de la Floride avec JB Ranch Outfitters (https://www.facebook.com/pages/ JB-Ranch-Outfitters/560078547369690). Les rencontres à l’état sauvage avec la panthère de Floride sont extrêmement rares en raison de leur faible population et de leur nature insaisissable. En 2011, la panthère de Floride (Puma concolor coryi), sous-espèce du couguar nord-américain, était censée être numérotée entre 100 et 160, et l’animal est actuellement répertorié comme une espèce en voie de disparition fédérale et étatique. http://www.fws.gov/refuge/florida_panther/wah/panther.html N’oubliez pas de vous abonner et dites-nous ce que vous en pensez ci-dessous ! Abonnez-vous : http://www.youtube.com/MossyOak?sub_confirmation=1 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/MossyOak Twitter : https://twitter.com/MossyOak Mossy Oak : https://www. mossyoak.com Google+ : https://plus.google.com/+MossyOak


  1. Born and raised in Florida, and this is as close to a unicorn as a human can get

  2. I was out pulling weeds and turned around and a Florida Panther was watching me from 15 feet behind me. I didn't realize it was a panther at first I thought it was just a cat. I said hey kitty kitty KITTY as he raised his head above the small bushes. He just looked at me slowly turned and walked away panting from the heat. It was a beautiful experience.

  3. ok we have the Black Panther male superhero for Africa. Time for a American Panther male superhero for America. Anybody else agree?

  4. God Bless Everyone Have An Blessed One Everybody & Everyone Family Please Be Safe Amen 🙏🏾💚💓💕💝💘💖💜💙💛

  5. I hope that panther wasn't being Hunted as they are endangered. cool video though! I saw one myself in 2009 in the backyard of my Boyfreinds house.. it came it came up to the bird water fountain for a drink.

  6. Well, their gone now. Only videos left. Humans could have prevented this. We’re not superior beings at all.

  7. I swear I saw one of these in the woods of South Carolina. That tail is unmistakable and it was climbing a tree. I was too nervous to get a clear picture 😱

  8. I think I saw this cat run across the road in Graham, GA 7-25-19. Looked exactly like this except I did not see a black tip on the end of its tail. It could have been there. The sun was setting in front of me and I only saw its shadowed side. All other features that I could see matched perfectly. Bobcats don’t have 2.5ft tails. I could come to no other conclusion than Florida panther or some other species of panther. No spots like a leopard, or some bobcats, that I could see.

  9. I remember when I was in highschool I used to ride my bike back home from school and one night after school I stayed at a friend's house so I came home pretty late. My friends house was only a few minutes from my house so I just took my bike. On my way home I saw orange-ish greenish eyes in a Bush. (I had a light on my bicycle so the light from the creature's eyes reflected) I stopped my bike thinking it was a raccoon or a small fox and then it jumped out of the bush ran past me and my bike and into a lit street. Once it was under a street lamp I saw it perfectly. It was a panther. I was terrified and mesmerized at the same time. Such a beautiful but frightening creature.

  10. 👨‍💻💭 2020 these Trail cam videos R popping up now been watching TIM's trail cams NOW 🐻🐗🦉🤳🥇👍
    florida lots animals there 😳.🦘🐨👈. oz straya cheers & good work🥇🤳DAM BEAUTIFUL CAT

  11. I saw one once in the brush. we just stood there looking at each other and I was in awe. not even scared, just blown away. then it turned and walked back the other way

  12. Was just reading on this its actually sad…. because of humans they numbers have declined to just 150 left in Florida

  13. As of 2020 there are only about 150 left in the wild. This was a once in a lifetime experience.

  14. They are not as rare as most think . I have seen 4 in Florida and don't even hunt there much. I have seen 2 in south GA over 150 miles from the GA FL border.Beautiful creatures!

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