@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Funny Pittsburgh Penguins Car Commercial, diffusé sur FSN HD

www.almotors.com – La publicité sera diffusée lors du prochain match à domicile le 2 février. – Tous les jeux à domicile HD Pens présentés par A&L. Colby Armstrong, Max Talbot, Sergei Gonchar et Evgeni Malkin font une publicité pour A&L Motor Sales.


  1. I hate to say it after watching this but, welcome to the flyguys talbot,

  2. wow, i dont know what to say. who's the director? i want to know so i can get him to direct my new movie.

  3. Oh Max. just, oh goodness. Welcome to Philly. Although I am sure Pittsburgh already misses you terribly :/

  4. I doubt he knew English when this was made.
    He was standing around like a dumbass.

    Plus, Gonchar was speaking in Russian to him here. He still doesn't know very much English actually. Gonchar was a walking translator.

  5. You would think with Talbot's "overacting" and Armstrong, Gonchar & Malkin's "underacting" this commercial would somehow balance itself out……

    Sadly not…..

    It manages to pull off that rare feat of being both lifeless and hammy at the same time……

    Stick to hockey fellas, and leave the performing arts to the professionals…. 😉

  6. I swear to God the background song sounds similar to the beginning of "Smells Like Teen Spirit."

    Am I going crazy?

  7. How come the commercial or none of the actors won an academy award for such outstanding acting abilities?

  8. I used to buy parts there for my TR7 back in the 70's. Everyone called them Arm & a Leg Motors because they were so expensive.

  9. Sarge Gonchar "Wun-uv-veech". Outstanding! I remember when they ran these commercials.

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