@Jets de Winnipeg

Le directeur général des Jets de Winnipeg, Kevin Cheveldayoff, est-il sur la sellette? avec Ken Wiebe de Sportsnet.ca

Ken Wiebe de Sportsnet.ca & @Kenny & Renny ont rejoint Andrew « Hustler » Paterson sur Winnipeg Sports Talk Daily. Ils ont discuté de la température du fauteuil du directeur général des Jets de Winnipeg, Kevin Cheveldayoff, à l’approche de la saison morte et de la façon dont l’équipe abordera les dix derniers matchs de l’année, car ils sont pratiquement éliminés des séries éliminatoires. Diffusé à l’origine le 8 avril 2022. Winnipeg Sports Talk Daily est diffusé en semaine à 13 h CT sur YouTube et est disponible en podcast après l’émission. Cliquez sur le bouton J’aime et abonnez-vous à la chaîne si vous avez aimé cette vidéo. Sujets : Kevin Cheveldayoff est-il sur la sellette ? (0:00) Comment l’équipe aborde-t-elle les dix derniers matchs ? (4:10) Suivez Andrew Paterson sur Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/hustlerama Suivez Ken Wiebe sur Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/wiebesworld Winnipeg Sports Talk Liens : Spotify : https:// spoti.fi/3bboDpa Podcasts Apple : https://apple.co/30nIf3v Podcasts Google : https://bit.ly/387uTg1 Stitcher : https://bit.ly/2NR54df Site Web : http://www.winnipegsportstalk.com​​ Magasin : http://store.winnipegsportstalk.com Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/sportstalkwpg​​ Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/sportstalkwpg ​​Instagram : http://www.instagram.com/sportstalkwpg​ TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@sportstalkwpg Devenez membre de notre chaîne ici : https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCEqYcU4IEXvfWt0vtGA_Cww/joindre


  1. I think they sit him down this offseason and it's either they tell him to make an impactful change or they part ways. He had 10 years to build a cup-winning team, they peaked in 2018, and then it was s downhill rude ever since. I've noticed with the current GM, tends to be very slow when it comes to change and his performance on drafting outside the first round and asset management has been questionable.

  2. if Chevel-shyte stays its many more years of the same soft and horrific lack of commitment to the game!! Has anyone been watching the trend here?? Its become so difficult and uninteresting to watch the jets anymore. Small and soft doesn't win anything does it????? Prove me wrong!!

  3. Jets had a great run in 2018 but ran out of gas. The next year they were the second best team in the league at the half way point and then took a nose dive for the last half after what was a lot of cancer hit the dressing room. People really don’t know a lot of what happened in the dressing room but there was a lot happening that killed that team. It should of been dealt with right away and it wasn’t. That is on Chevy and the coaching staff. It’s time for a change both coaching and management. Schif. Is still near a point a game player so I don’t know if I’m ready to give up on him just yet, but I do believe there is still cancer in that room( not # 55. Hudey has been the defensive coach since day one of this team coming back and with the exception of one year the D has struggled. Lowry I think is a good assistant coach but not ready for for the head coach role. A new head coach is needed to bring 55 back to life and to cut the cord and put Wheeler in place. Wheeler cost us the second pick already even though we got the 3 rd pick and the money he got from Chevy is just a bad deal if they want to keep Schif and Dubois long term. With that been said both those last two player get a raise but not no 10 mil deals, right now I don’t think they even get 8

  4. Good point Ken about the two different windows. I honestly think they need to focus on the second window because the first is to short.

  5. Jets had all season to show something! What is he talking about. Tank already. Get a good pick don’t trade him away cause of the cancer in the room.

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