@Oilers d'Edmonton

L’avenir de la gestion des Oilers d’Edmonton | Un regard sur les candidats internes

The Oilers Fanatic se penche sur l’avenir de la gestion des Oilers. Dans la vidéo d’aujourd’hui, les candidats internes sont examinés. #Oilers #LetsGoOilers


  1. Keep coffee out of the management group, don't need more 80s Oilers players taking over, instead of hiring coffee they should spend that money on someone that actually deserves a chance in the NHL.

  2. Yakapov wouldn’t have been such a bust if the oilers management at the time wasn’t so bad, Change my mind

  3. Hire Mitch Korn as a goalie coach here so we have someone who’s experienced to teach our upcoming goalies more

  4. Actually Ken Holland is grooming his son Brad Holland for the GM role while he moves to only President of Operations.

  5. If Woodcroft is successful at bringing the cup to Edmonton in the next year or two I can see him climbing the ranks to the top real fast.

  6. Paul Coffee would be a disaster ! Especially after Keith and everybody else putting in the work in Edmonton. Coffee has no experience in coaching or management.

  7. I see Holland holding both titles till his contract is up, rememberers this is a guy that tried that very thing 3 yrs ago when he stepped aside and let Stevie Y take the GM role, Holland lasted all of a month before he realized his passion is being a GM not just being the President of hockey ops. I can see Holland staying on as president after his deal is up especially if they go with a first time GM same kinda thing Vegas did 3 yrs ago.
    If we are talking about management you need to go higher and talk about it’s time for Bob Nic to been kicked out the door, once that’s done we can move onto getting a real NHL experience goalie coach and Mike Smith isn’t that guy, we need a coach that understands the mechanics of the new age of goaltending not a guy in Smith that plays a style goalies played 10-15 yrs ago.

  8. Would not want Coffee in any capacity involved with Oiler management. All of the other internal candidates are good but not Coffee for lack of experience and I just don’t trust Coffee’s contributions to this organization!

  9. Gretzky has earned the job when Holland wants a GM. I’m luke warm on Coffey. He needs to prove himself in a management role. Not all great players are good when managing. It will be interesting . Brad Holland would need to work as an assistant GM. Interesting video Patrick

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