@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Faits saillants des matchs de la LNH | Hurricanes contre Lightning, match 4 – 5 juin 2021

Le Lightning de Tampa Bay a battu les Hurricanes de la Caroline 6-4 dans le match 4 alors que les deux équipes ont combiné pour 8 buts en deuxième période.


  1. Correction: Hurricanes vs REFS. these penalty calls were THIN like the Staal hook (fair jostle for position), Martinook elbow (was down and clean hit and embellished by TB), svechnikov trip (he got thrown down and as fell stick barely touched him). Refs missed a boarding on foegele in 1P right before they called Staal penalty. Goalie interference call vs Nashville was made by Sutherland too i think. It's clear he hates the canes after they booed him the entire period after the bad goalie interference point shave.

  2. Мощнейшая игра!! Кучеровские Василевцы красавцы!! Красиво играли и сильно! Болеем дальше!!!

  3. Tampa returned to the game in time
    Well done!

    P.S. Does anyone know a horn song?

  4. Кучеров просто красавчик. Вся игра держится на нем!!! МО-ЛО-ДЕЦ

  5. First of all what's up with the russian bots? 2nd why did they start 4v4 at the begining of the first? Was there penalties last game at the end?

  6. I wish TPB to loose for how they cheated Kucherov's caphit…

    By how he is playing, he was ready to play in the season and they kept him on LTIR for cap relief. That's cheating the system.

    I do hope they change the rule that you have to play one game post-trade deadline to be playoff eligable.

  7. Скоро стану фанатом Кучерова такими темпами 😄😄 Гений! чертовски хорош😎😛

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  9. That alone should shake those Fkn habs fans , yeah f u . Woohoo

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