@Ducks d'Anaheim

Votre résumé hebdomadaire / r / anaheimducks pour la semaine du 26 septembre au 02 octobre

**Du lundi 26 septembre au dimanche 2 octobre** ###Commentaires du fil de discussion | score | commentaire | |–|–| | 36 | /u/FerdaDucks a dit [We’ll have to start taking cheap shots at Arizona’s skill players if they ever get any.](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/xqyh8n/post_game_thread_september_28_2022_arizona_at/iqbx1lo/?context=5) | | 29 | /u/Radio_Special a dit [Other than all the fights and the Zegras hit I thought Zelleweger really stood out and Dostal had a solid night.](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/xqyh8n/post_game_thread_september_28_2022_arizona_at/iqbwtih/?context=5) | | 22 | /u/The_G_89 a dit [I shouldn’t be surprised Arizona is taking hit shots at a preseason game. Still a poverty franchise that deserves to move to Houston.](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/xqyh8n/post_game_thread_september_28_2022_arizona_at/iqbxdj8/?context=5) | | 20 | /u/bjabel a dit [AZ is so pathetic Jesus Christ. And trying to hit like it’s game 7 in the Stanley Cup finals.](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/xqubfd/game_thread_arizona_coyotes_anaheim_ducks/iqbqsf7/?context=5) | | 20 | /u/Radio_Special a dit [Damn I hope Zs good. Good on Rico to step up but damn if I don’t miss Deslauries right now.](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/xqubfd/game_thread_arizona_coyotes_anaheim_ducks/iqbnz3t/?context=5) | | 19 | /u/BrobaFettActual a dit [Arizona slowly climbing their way to the top of my shit list](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/xqyh8n/post_game_thread_september_28_2022_arizona_at/iqbxmn9/?context=5) | | 16 | /u/scottap26 a dit [What a fucking pass Zell.](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/xqubfd/game_thread_arizona_coyotes_anaheim_ducks/iqbqbtd/?context=5) | | 16 | /u/parce_v a dit [Rico threw gloves as soon as he saw Z down](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/xqubfd/game_thread_arizona_coyotes_anaheim_ducks/iqbnlt0/?context=5) | | 15 | /u/Kellysmurphy a dit [Kassian is getting an early start to being a piece of shit, and Ritchie just ran lmao](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/xqubfd/game_thread_arizona_coyotes_anaheim_ducks/iqbqcvd/?context=5) | | 13 | /u/Rorster27 a dit [SIGN ROCCO!!](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/xu46ey/game_thread_anaheim_ducks_los_angeles_kings/iqttvff/?context=5) |   ###Meilleurs messages restants | score | commentaires | titre & lien | |–|–|–| | 189 | [14 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/commentaires/xqjzyc/fini_mon_projet_d’été_just_in_time_for_ducks/) | J’ai terminé mon projet d’été juste à temps pour le retour du hockey Ducks !| | 97 | [0 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/xpfy2f/captain_baldy_days_until_ducks_opener/) | [Captain Baldy days until Ducks opener.](https://i.imgur.com/tXgQqFc.jpg)| | 89 | [5 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/xskook/update_just_posted_on_the_screen_he_has_full/) | [Update just posted on the screen he has full movement. Hope for a speed recovery.](https://i.redd.it/trvb0ku444r91.jpg)| | 86 | [22 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/xttwd1/anaheim_ducks_on_twitter_injury_update_trevor/) | [Anaheim Ducks on Twitter: Injury Update: Trevor Zegras is day-to-day with an upper body injury and will be on the ice today.](https://twitter.com/anaheimducks/status/1576617987531939840?s=46&t=6DUh66-zxU1ICRgHkrdj5A)| | 79 | [3 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/xrcdjg/teemu_days_until_ducks_opener/) | [Teemu days until Ducks opener](https://i.redd.it/vr7b7pa1stq91.jpg)| | 76 | [14 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/xqjdii/anaheims_ocvibe_wins_approval_clearing_way_for/) | [Anaheim’s OCVibe wins approval, clearing way for entertainment district around Honda Center](https://www.ocregister.com/2022/09/28/anaheims-ocvibe-wins-approval-clearing-way-for-entertainment-district-around-honda-center) | | 76 | [2 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/xowppb/ryan_miller_giving_zegras_the_business_on_twitter/) | [Ryan Miller giving Zegras the business on Twitter.](https://twitter.com/ryanmiller3039/status/1574512249737138176?s=46&t=55HWHHXjC2ygG0IxajC8DQ)| | 73 | [38 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/xomr82/dps_days_until_ducks_opener/) | [DPS days until Ducks opener](https://i.imgur.com/CkioFXt.jpg)| | 68 | [4 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/xrhexw/lisa_dillman_a_baby_girl_for_the_klingberg_family/) | [[lisa dillman] A baby girl for the Klingberg family, congratulations!](https://twitter.com/reallisa/status/1575572063066083330?s=46&t=TVNSlr2dJRImCzbEB-Mjuw)| | 66 | [21 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/xsjpyi/not_good_he_wasnt_moving_while_on_the_ice/) | [Not good he wasn’t moving while on the ice.](https://i.redd.it/uob2plmhv3r91.jpg)|  


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  1. subredditsummarybot

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