@Canucks de Vancouver

Faits saillants de la LNH | Canucks vs Flames – 23 avril 2022

Dillon Dube a marqué deux buts tandis qu’Elias Lindholm a ajouté un but et une aide alors que les Flames de Calgary ont vaincu les Canucks de Vancouver 6-3.


  1. My feelings before this game were that Canucks could win this game, say 6-3! since they now had realised there fate and just go out there to have fun

    The other side of me was thinking, okay this will be a game for the flames where they win. Maybe 3-6!
    The reason for this is that they are preparing for the cup.

    Canucks have made a spectacular comeback this season under Boudrau's management and should be very proud of what they have achieved.😉

    But remember Canucks won 1-7 away in one game this season

    Congrats Flames! Go Canada!

  2. No matter what happens I’m glad the Canucks made a great run to try to push for the playoffs ever since Bruce took over but fell short they say thiers still a chance but highly unlikely Dallas and la would lose from this point definitely look forward to next season man was a great run!

  3. And I’m sure if we had hoglander Pearson and horvat woulda made the outcome better but I’m looking forward to next season myers was horrendous lol

  4. Баффало и Ванкувер – самые смешные и чмошные клубы лиги. 52 года от основания клуба и ни одного кубка. Супер чмошный рекорд.

  5. So after this loss, is there any remote chance of Vancouver making the playoffs? Next games are Seattle, Los Angeles and Edmonton. Seattle are in good form though, and LA and Oilers are tough matches.
    Calgary had a big turnaround season with the new coach, I don't think they qualified for the playoffs last year, very similar situation as the Canucks. Just goes to show what a new coach can do to a team.

  6. So if you guys cab stop cutting it off right before the team celebrates the win, thanks that’d be great

  7. What a run by the canucks to make it interesting. Very excited for next season. GO CANUCKS!

  8. Another good game Flames Win Stanley Cup thys season please Flames fan from Poland Go Flames Go Regards from Poland

  9. Does anyone know what happened to that Shane Monahan guy? He used to be a team leader in points and now you don’t see him much in the hilights and he leads the team by a very large margin with a -15 rating.

  10. Boeser didn't even register a shot on net. Just invisible in crunch time.

  11. I would definitely like to see a Calgary / Tampa rematch from 2004. Anyone else??

  12. Were the Calgary fans heckling Demko? Thought I heard “Deeemmmmkooooo”. They shouldn’t boo him, he’s the best player on the team, and the crappy Canucks defence hangs him out to dry.

  13. Canucks should look at trading Demko for a top rate D man in the off season.

    Their D core is severely lacking and as great as Demko is, he can’t fend off the goal all by himself without Defence.

    I would rather have an average goalie with a good defensive core than a great goalie and absolute failure on the D side.

  14. Im glad my team knocked out the knuckleheads! Sure they still had potential and yes we didnt neeed the win but we're on a roll baby!!! Must be hard to swallow after markstrom is killing the league this season! Good job vladar you proved yourself in my books!

  15. Great leadership shown by Johnny after scoring the empty net goal no celebration no high fives.He just went straight to the bench because you just ended a teams season.

  16. Canucks не сдаёмся!!!
    Второй и третий (Peterson шедеврально) гол в ворота Калгари просто высший класс!!!
    Надо бороться за выход в плей-офф.
    Болеем за вас!!!
    Demko красавчик – такие сэйвы!!!!

  17. 1:05 Elias Lindholm’s 40th Goal of the season!!! What a beautiful goal for Elias! ❤️❤️🔥🔥💖💖💕💕😍😍❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🔥🔥

  18. Look, my Grandfather & my Father, both avid fans have both passed since the Canucks have joined the league , and never did win a cup, & I have this feeling the pattern may continue. I'm a relatively young guy, & it just makes we want to quit this charade & not pass it on to my guys.

  19. To the Canuck fan (Vancouver jersey) from the April 23rd game:

    I'd like to thank you for yelling at me and losing your mind behind me on the stairs to your seats ( sec. 105 somewhere around row 8-9). I'm sorry I was holding you up while I was trying to get to my seats. It's tough to negotiate those stairs when ALS has destroyed my leg and I'm forced to use a cane. Wouldn't have been an issue when I bought the tickets a month prior but it's progressed that fast. Don't worry though, if I'm still alive next season (which is highly unlikely) at least I'll be in the wheelchair section and won't be a bother to you. Thanks for ruining what will most likely be my final game.

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