@Canadiens de Montréal

Compositions complètes pour le match de ce soir

Compositions complètes pour le match de ce soir



  1. FlashyChapter

    Obviously most excited to see Slaf but second one for me is Monahan. Interested to see what he’s got.

  2. Mtlsandman

    Both teams seem to be playing pretty much their full lineup, except we aren’t icing our top F line (Suzuki & Caufield), and D?

    I honestly don’t know who to classify as our best D right now… Hell, outside of Edmundson, Savard and Matheson I don’t even know who will be playing regularly this season. I’ve never gone into a season which such low expectations for the defensive side of things.

  3. TheRedWoman57

    Rough comeback for monahan, against Matthews out of the gate

  4. I just don’t get why they aren’t playing young guys who are close to the NHL like Ylonen instead of guy like Alex fucking Belzile. 🤦

  5. Our D are going to get smoked, they have most of their top forwards in and Matheson is our only D with significant NHL experience.

  6. w0246389

    Am I high or is Metes weight high?

  7. Independent_Cat_4779

    Why do the habs put Slaf with Hoffman? If the goal is to biuld his confidence he really shouldn’t be playing with Hoffman in my opinion.

  8. MeepMorpZorpDerp


  9. Papercut6

    fuuuuuk I go see the game tomorrow vs the sens, was looking forward to watch IRL Slaf but he probably won’t play since he plays today

  10. Muter91

    We are likely going to get crushed. That’s almost their full lineup, and we have one NHL level defense man lol

  11. Gaius_Julius_Salad

    Here I am once again in the preseason still hoping Drouin starts lighting it up

  12. crissdecaliss

    Xhekaj-Barron should be one of the two top pairings in Laval, and I think management knows it. Barron is such an important piece at RD for our long term success, he needs to dominate the AHL before coming with Montreal

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