@Red Wings de Détroit

RAYMOND REIGNS & METRO DIVISION PREVIEW – Podcast Winged Wheel – 2 octobre 2022

Battre Chicago ne vieillit jamais pour les fans des Detroit Red Wings, surtout quand il est rempli de succès de Seider et de domination de Raymond. Connectez-vous pendant que nous discutons des récents matchs de pré-saison des Red Wings : le match de Washington et une diatribe sur le streaming de la LNH (8:00), la victoire dominante sur les Blackhawks : les coups sûrs et la domination physique de Moritz Seider, l’incroyable jeu et le but de Lucas Raymond, Larkin et Vrana étant également dominants, l’arme d’un tir de Kubalik, le blanchissage combiné de Nedeljkovic et Cossa, le jeu amélioré de Veleno, le jeu remarquable de Berggren et de Hanas, et bien plus encore (13:42). Nous entrons également dans notre premier aperçu divisionnaire, en jetant un coup d’œil à la division métropolitaine. Connectez-vous pour entendre notre aperçu de chaque équipe et nos prévisions sur le classement final de la Caroline, de Columbus, du New Jersey, des Islanders, des Rangers, de Philadelphie, de Pittsburgh et de Washington (31:30). Connectez-vous pour tout cela et plus encore – profitez-en ! Rendez-vous sur wingedwheelpodcast.com pour trouver toutes les façons d’écouter, comment soutenir l’émission et bien plus encore. Obtenez vos billets WWP Night at the LCA dès aujourd’hui ! : DetroitRedWings.com/WWP 🌎 Obtenez l’offre NordVPN exclusive ici : nordvpn.com/wingedwheel C’est sans risque avec la garantie de remboursement de 30 jours de Nord ! 👍 —– Merci d’avoir fait de nous le plus gros podcast des Detroit Red Wings en ondes ! #RedWings #LGRW Site Web : https://www.wingedwheelpodcast.com Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/wingedwheelpodcast Twitter : https://www.twitter.com/WingedWheelPod (Consultez la bio pour suivre les hôtes !) Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/wingedwheelpodcast Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/wingedwheelpodcast Écoutez sur… Apple Podcasts : https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/winged- wheel-podcast/id969768868 Podcasts Google : https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cDovL2ZlZWRzLmZlZWRidXJuZXIuY29tL1dpbmdlZFdoZWVsUG9kY2FzdA%3D%3D Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/6Wp4fEi1EO741Ulx : CloudPMGtahttps://S spotify.com/show/6Wp4fEi1EO741UlxPMGtaS Flux RSS : http://wingedwheelpodcast.libsyn.com/rss


  1. Raymond pulled a game breaker fit for the likes of Mackinnon. Just "fk it, we need someone to go beast mode and force some points up Chicago's a**

  2. 5 hole for Raymond, how many goalies give that look of disgust after the puck goes in the net.

  3. Holy smokes (in my best Mickey voice)! Start every pod with dirty shower talk… Evan was super engaged and peppy! 😂

  4. I don’t play hockey but when I go to the gym I’d rather sit in my sweat another 10/15 minutes in my car and shower in the comfort of my own home

  5. Home showerer here … Some people can't stand being smelly for an extra few minutes, some are fine with it cus we're just driving home by ourselves. My friend will meet me for basketball but shower in between work and the court, then have to go shower again after basketball ? Just do 1 at the end?

    1. Rangers
    2. Canes esp. if Freddy isn't as good or gets hurt.
    3. Pitt
    Tight race for 4-6 but
    4. Blue Jackets because I think Kent Johnson is going to win Calder, plus Johnny, plus Sillinger, plus they almost made the playoffs last year it's not like they were trash.
    5. Caps. Too many injuries
    6. Devil's. Goaltending, Hughes & co will probably get hit by injuries again too
    7. The NY Barzal's
    8. Philly

  6. I don't shower at rink, my rink shower is nasty nasty nasty and dont have cold water, i leave shower sweating more then in game…..I will sometimes but not often.

  7. I paid $200 for SN NOW just to avoid the hassle of looking for a decent game stream – I should be able to pick which stream I watch!

  8. I shower at home. When I'm done playing, i want to get the fuck out of there, get my stuff hung up to dry then I shower. Plus I don't want the extra towels and clothes and shampoos in my bag. Shits heavy enough. Could not care less about "that's the routine you signed up for" nonsense. Do what you want……………also call me crazy but i properly air my equipment out after each skate so I don't stink after a game.

  9. Vrana on the 1st line with raymond and larkin is a very real possibility. I love how they looked out there. Also, those blackhawks announcers were straight goofy

  10. He does what he wants! He does what he wantsssss! Mo seider! He does what he wants!🎵🎶

  11. In my experience with beer league, it's usually about 50/50 of those who shower at the rink and those who shower at home. I am one who prefers to shower at home because it's not always a guarantee that the rink will have hot water

  12. I've played beer league hockey for 20+ years, all over the country. Alaska, upstate NY, and now Minnesota. In my experience, very small minority of guys shower at the rink. Who are these two pretty boys trying to impress on the drive home? Sound like my wife kvetching about the smell.

  13. I agree with the broadcasting. You have bally, tbs, tnt, ESPN+ Hulu, NHL Network and I'm sure I'm missing some but these are services just to Watch a Wings game. It's insane how the fan base is puzzled with all these sources which does force them to either pirate, not watch a game or unload loads of money. Me being an avid wings fan that watches every single game even the prospect and development camps, it's a headache especially when the bally app is just horrible when on the go and is only tolerable with wifi. It doesn't shock me that Bally's about to be bankrupt because most are just spoofing their regional games.

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