@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Derick Brassard Disponibilité – 3 oct. 2022

Écoutez Derick Brassard parler aux médias anglophones et francophones de sa performance au camp et de ce qui l’a attiré à Ottawa cette intersaison. 0:00-3:42 Anglais 3:43-7:20 Français


  1. come on, get him a contract already. he's good on draws, can play up in the lineup, he's got a boatload of experience in the playoffs, he really wants to be here and he understands what his role needs to be. he's so much better in that 13th F role than Gambrell in every single way

  2. It's crazy to me that Brass is even on a PTO. He's still a good player, and he showed that clearly last game. Just sign him already, we have more than enough cap space. You can never have too many versatile, skilled players.

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