@Blues de Saint-Louis

St.Louis Blues 2019 Win Horn (PLAY GLORIA)

Corne de victoire des Blues de St. Louis utilisée lorsque les Blues remportent un match à domicile au Enterprise Center. Twitter : @FamousGoalHorns __________________________________ – Blues 2019 Win Horn – – Play Gloria – « Renonciation au droit d’auteur En vertu de l’article 107 de la loi de 1976 sur le droit d’auteur, une « utilisation équitable » est autorisée à des fins telles que la critique, les commentaires, les reportages, l’enseignement, l’érudition, et la recherche. L’utilisation équitable est une utilisation autorisée par la loi sur le droit d’auteur qui pourrait autrement enfreindre. L’utilisation à but non lucratif, éducative ou personnelle fait pencher la balance en faveur de l’utilisation équitable.


  1. i was never really a blues fan but when I herd the team playing this song and how good they were playing they are now my 2nd favorite team in the NHL

  2. I think we need to “Play Gloria” again and get out of this slump we’re in!

  3. Leafs fan here. Not a blues fan but I cant help but jam to this song and bring smiles to my face because the first thing I think when I hear this song is Marchand crying

  4. 1 year later from our stanley cup win-June 12th, 2020, and this song still gives me chills. Let's go Blues

  5. Why a keep doing here,i'm a Leafs fan

    Oh wait,theses mates win the SCF against Bruins in Game 7 in Boston….GREAAAAT

  6. Even after more than a year, I still can't believe Blues' overall victory. For the record, they were DEAD LAST in the NHL at the beginning of 2019, but climbed the mountain all the way to the title.
    That's unbelieveable!

  7. i cried in game 6 of wcf because im a sharks fan but at least boston didnt win

  8. I hate the blues I’m a hawks fan I’m still pissed the blues won the cup

  9. Where are my fellow Blues fans who came back here just for the chills?

  10. This should be the win song not only for NHL's St.Louis Blues, but for the MLB's St.Louis Cardinals. It's on the St.Louis sports lore now, there's no escape from it! Congratulations from a Brazilian Maple Leafs(and Yankees) fan!

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