@Canadiens de Montréal

Les Panthers de la Floride perdent face au TB Lightning 2-1 Game 2 Shocker

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  1. I don't know how Tampa does it. A bunch of the luckiest cheats in the NHL. And lucky! I can't tell you how many lucky bounces they got in the first round!

  2. Bruno isnt going anywhere sorry. If he does then great but I dont think its happening. Plus if youre gonna completely trash talk the guy you should be pissed at Q for hiring him in the first place. LOL

  3. Just got back from the game. I just watched the replay of that GWG and man, Lomberg really should've covered Colton when Weegar was moving away. Weegar went to cover the guy on the boards behind the net. Lomberg was just loli gagging on the ice.

  4. (tampa homer so grain of salt) I thought yall were way more dangerous last year when you were more defensive minded, seems like many teams have gone the way Tampa did in 2019 when we got swept by columbus. we got btb by playing tight defense and willing to block shots, toronto had us before we got back to that style of 20+ blocks a game, Florida is to geared for high flying offense (IMO), planning to out score people. Your goalie is more than good enough to win a cup, he just needs a tight disciplined team around him with the understanding that great D leads to great O.

  5. When bob made that amazing save, I thought “no way they lose the game after that”. Well…..

    On the bright side, more hockey to play. This was heartbreaking, but hey, not as heartbreaking as having a bottom feeding team for two decades!! Lighten up guys. As long as there’s a chance we need to keep hope. It ain’t over till it’s over.

  6. Am just sad. Seeing this team not getting any coaching at all is damning to the whole staff. Or is Brunette so toxic they have no say? When Quinn left(or probably was forced to leave), I wanted them to take a risk and get a new headcoach from outside the organization. But nah they didn't. And it worked in the regular season, just they didn't actually evolve their play at all. Just continued what Quinn taught them.

    It's like a night and day watching all other series atm. In every game everything gets thrown into the ice. That is what good coaches do, they get the most of their team and get them pumped up to feel like superheroes. Even watching the WC atm, it just is nuts how dedicated some teams are for their coach. Like there is no business on Finland being one of the favorites again, they don't have the players, but somehow someway they've created a working team that gives it all on the ice every time. And a really big part of that is their head coach Jalonen. He is like a wizard in one of games and tournament style play. And kind if you look at a stanley cup playoff series, it is a sort of mini-tournament against one team.

    So when Quinn left, I wanted them to seriously think about hiring Jalonen, his stint in Russia didn't go super well, but after that he has been in absolute fire as the headcoach of the national team. Just outcoached the hell out of David Quinn the other day when they play US.

    I guess in the end what makes this sting the most is that Bob is playing at a really good level, probably made of the the best saves in the playoffs so far tonight as well. Defense outside of Weegar and their PK sucking as badly as their PP is fine too. It's just there is no offense as Jaws said, no passion, nothing. When your players can't get throught, it's the coaches that solve the problem. Players have to focus on the instant play, they can't think of a strategy. That has (almost)never worked. Just yeah, fire the whole staff. Start a new next season.

    They have to do drastic changes to win this series, which I for one think is possible.. This Tampa while having the passion and will to do things, is not the Tampa of years past. Panthers have the talent and people to do it. Just I don't think they will, not with this coach. Weegar should've been benched after the first two mistakes in the previous series. Now he should be absolutely fucking demolished and scratched for the rest of the series. But he won't. Probably playing with Ekblad again next game, because fuck it. We need to change things and that is the only thing this coach can come up with.

    Sorry for the long rant. I just had to get it off my chest. They made me a believer, I had hope. And while it's not over. These games are just robbing all that. It's not even the 2nd Tampa goal tonight. I lost my hope 2 mins before it. When they had a golden ticked to tie the series. PP in the 3rd with 4 mins left and the game is tied, how good can it get. You might not score, but you should fight as hell to score, but nope. We saw the same anemic excuse that calls them the 1st PP unit on the ice again. Doing the same stuff again. I just can't. Not even. And the hilarious thing is, the 2nd PP unit has been better. And THEY NEVER START WITH IT. Granted it hasn't scored either, but at least they are trying when they get the chance.

    But hey at least Zito can get a cheap deal with re-signing Huberdeau before the season. Seeing he has been invisible in 8 games in a row during the playoffs, while getting 28 minutes of PP time so far. If he asks for anything near 9 mil, I'd like Zito to laugh and not even give an offer. Let him go. Fuck it. Not that Barkov is worth 10 mil right now either, but at least he showed up in the Washington series at the end to give them a chance to win.

    If you clicked read more and see a wall of text, sorry again. Here is a short version. I'm pissed, I'm sad, I'm disappointed. Brunette has to go. There is no passion. No killer instinct. Nothing. It's the regular season Panthers in a playoff series.

  7. Love stu. But he's dead wrong with Forsling. He's a fucking waiver wire pickup. And he looks like shit against good teams.

  8. If Forsling shoots the godamned puck into a defenseman legs one more time, I'm gonna kill myself. Sit Forsling and Weegar next game

  9. Y'all have not been paying attention the the Bolts over the last couple of years. THEY DO NOT LOSE BACK-TO-BACK playoff games. This is not the regular season Lightning. This is the Playoff Lightning. They win games 3-2, 2-1, 1-0. The muck and grind. They play greasy-@ss hockey. Now, Panther fan is saying that you're beating the BEST GOALIE IN THE WORLD, 2 time Cup winner, Vezina winner, Conn-Smythe winner…4 out of 5. Is it (theoretically) possible? Sure. Is it gonna happen? NO WAY IN HELL. Win 2 in Tampa or it's OVER.

  10. Great teams do great things, this series is far from over.

    However if the Panthers are to fall, it ain’t the end of the world. Look at Tampa, with guys like Stamkos Hedman, Kuch, Vasy, and so much more it took um basically an entire decade to win the cup, in between all that was some of the worst playoff losses by any team ever.

    Playoffs are like life, you think you’ll be different your first time on stage and you aren’t, you think after your first big tragedy that now you’ve been through the same things everybody else has and can do it, you can’t, it’s only until you’ve done through hell ten times over and do you actually mature enough to do everything you set out to do.

    This Florida team is not a mature team… yet.

  11. Tampa looks so weak compared to what we dealt with in the Washington series. Games were tougher to win

  12. BREAKING NEWS,,, the Battle of Florida has been postponed until Cats shitcan clueless coach and hire a bench boss who actually knows his ass from his elbow in the playoffs

  13. I am so unbelievably disappointed in what is supposed to be the leadership on this team. It feels as though they just want it to be done so they can go do other things. Our fourth line is going to battle, but Giroux, Barkov, and Huberdeau don't give a rat's ass. I'm sick of hearing the bullshit about how Panther fans don't care or don't stick to their team. We're fucking trying, but "performances" like these last two games make it really hard.

    Weeger absolutely cannot be on this team next year. Brunette absolutely cannot be on this team next year. Fuck putting him back on the PP. We're 0 for 25, and our PK is cancer. I agree that it's not technically over, but it is over. Let's split a game in Tampa, and give the fans a win at home in game five before we inevitably bow out

    I'm disgusted, truly. Our defense (minus Mackenzie) and our goaltending have both been more than enough to win both these games, but our offense clearly cashed out after Washington and don't care. I'm not watching anymore games in this series. Not unless a miracle happens, but half our team isn't on the ice, so why should I be?

  14. I'm shocked. There are no words to describe that TB goal with 1 second left. I hope this doesnt affect the rest of the series. Praying for a big comeback.

  15. That ending was the most "Panthering" thing to happen in the playoffs- that is why it is such a burn to us LLLOOONNNGG time fans. I have no voice from yelling and cheering- so whomever keeps saying the crowd isn't in it can come talk to me. I have no words left for the poor decision making of the coaching staff regarding our PP and lack of holding players accountable for poor hockey decisions. Can these things be fixed- yes but no one seems to have it in them to be HARD like that or players find the next level within themselves to rise under the pressure.

  16. 18:24 when you realize you’re fucked.. ay bro im a bolts fan all the way in Spain. Been following your videos since the playoffs started, whatever happens keep it up bro! Forza Lightning!

  17. gettin' scored on with 4 seconds left in any period in any game is tough enough as it is but havin' it happen in the third in game 2 and it being a game winner ? ahhhh, dayum bro. it is what it is now smarten up with some glass half full stuff. 1 win right here and its a series, 1 game, 1 win. good luck bro

  18. Bolts fan here. Colton’s goal was a genius play by Kuch and your guy made a mistake by going after Kuch. However, your team isn’t going to win games by scoring only one goal. Not against the Bolts. I agree your coach is being out coached.

  19. Uh, my math may be off but doesn't the Panthers have to win two in Tampa Bay now? Jaws kept saying that they've got to win one.

  20. Outside of the Weegar fuck up. I hate to be negative, but this season is more than likely over. I hope to God I can be proven wrong and this team pulls out a Miracle. Tampa just proved last night that this team is a dynasty. Still no Power Play goals, yes we can put all the blame on Weegar but the power play is what will cost them the series. Again I hope I am proven wrong, but I came to terms last night that the ride is going to end. I say Tampa in 5.

  21. Damn that really sucks. So they have to win 4 out of 6 when Vasilevsky doesn't lose back to back games in the playoffs and heading to Tampa for 2 lol. I think splitting in Sunrise was essential for this series to have any hope of lasting. Feel for you man; these types of losses hurt like hell.

  22. Was at the game last night.

    Heartbreaking. Can't score on PP, poor substations and makes no adjustments. And yea. I think this season is done

  23. I'm still pissed and my husband got kicked off Twitter just for telling Weeger he screwed Bob last night . My thing is I always critique my on team. We are good we have skills but our coach won't switch lines up he's a lost child. No way should he win anything. We get this far to give up and I literally cried from disappointment. I'm over 2 years in with this team I love them I got my picture in the Miami Herald front page with Hornqvist. But damn it man we got to do better. Hey Weeger I don't take kind to people who can't take criticism while they out here playing like Yandle by the way. I'd rather tell my truth then keep lying bout this team man. Much respect

  24. Even as a Bolts fan I feel just a little bad how this is lining up for the Panthers. I've watched the Bucs, Rays, Braves, and Bolts for decades, so I'm very familiar with having my fan dreams crushed without mercy. That said, the Bolts are peaking at the perfect time of year and they look like they're determined to roll over any team in their path. The shot blocking has been crazy over the last few games, even The Hockey Guy was suggesting Stamkos should have gotten a game star just for that (nevermind the sick feed to Perry). I'm not at all discounting the possibility of a Panthers comeback, but the Lightning have that scary look like the 90s Chicago Bulls, 90s Yankees, 2010s Blackhawks, St. Louis Cardinals, whatever – even if you keep it close late in the game, they're still going to murder you and tear out your soul at the last moment. 100% credit to Bobarovsky (AKA Boba Rovsky for those listening to TBL radio broadcasts 🤣), guy played a great game, absolutely nothing he could do to prevent that Kuch-to-Colton master-level Kung Fu combo at the end. The Lightning are 10 wins from dynasty status and they're playing like want it, good luck Panthers trying to turn this series around. ⚡⚡⚡

  25. I think he's wrong about the Huby/Barkov/Giroux line. I felt like that was the one line that actually looked like it was working for Florida last night. I understand the frustration. My Bolts are difficult to beat in playoffs

  26. What fan base? You guys only show up to playoff games… your fans SUCK. Tampa is always top 5 in attendance with over 100% sellout rate. Those are loyal fans..

  27. Panthers making the Leafs look good so far. I can tell you as a Leafs fan that's not something you want.

  28. Tampa fan here. I know how gut wrenching of a feeling it is, we won the president trophy and were swept by Columbus. I don't think yall have played more then 5 mins straight of the panther hockey I seen all year. Get back to basics just shoot the damn puck. Vasy had been very average all playoffs and if you throw enough at him you can beat him. That being said go lightning I hope we sweep yall lol

  29. Could not watch the replay until now. Couldn't stomach it. Literally just saw it was Weagar that blew that coverage. WTF Weagar..

  30. Bolts goal with 4 seconds left. Tampa fans: orgasmic, Florida fan, as MST3K put it: Deep Hurting…

  31. All the Panther so called stars Barkov and Huber particularly are on the back of milk cartons. Pathetic

  32. As a lightning fan, the bolts have been in the same situation as the Panthers right now. Brob isnt your goalie lets to many rebounds in and i think panthers are gonna need the broom sticks. Still have a bright future tho.

  33. Hopefully you sign weegar to a long extension and then change your name to miami. Have fun on the golf course 🧹

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