@Avalanche du Colorado

L’attaquant de la LNH supprime Instagram après avoir été victime d’intimidation en ligne par les fans de l’Avalanche du Colorado

S’agit-il d’un article sur les pièges à clics ou y a-t-il une vérité là-dedans ? Je pensais que Josty était universellement aimé.



  1. Based on that super short article it seems like 50/50 assholes heckling him for leaving and the other part of hating seeing the Avs won the cup without him.

  2. ComeMeetYourMakar

    I’m not sure if it’s true or not, but I have seen a lot of negative comments about Jost due to his interview where he was asked about the Avs winning the Stanley cup. After getting traded just before they won he was understandably upset and some fans were kind of acting like he didn’t have a right to be since he requested a trade over 2 years ago.

    I obviously don’t know if he was still pushing for a trade, but some fans stay very salty about ever requesting for a trade from their team. I think most of our fans appreciated and liked Jost, and understand that he requested a trade because he was never going to get the kind of opportunity he wanted with the Avs because of our depth.

    There are horrible people everywhere though, and there are no prerequisites for being a fan of any team so there are bad Avs fans out there and I’m not surprised if this was actually happening. It’s why I didn’t talk crap about the St Louis fan base as a whole over the despicable people threatening Kadri. There are bad fans everywhere and we should just condemn those fans for being crappy humans and not try to label it as an entire fan base. I feel bad for Jost, and I did like him when he was here, and it’s unfortunate that this happened to him even if he was requesting it currently in the background. He did what he thought was best for his career in that case like a lot of us would do, and we’re allowed to be upset about what could’ve been.

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