@Red Wings de Détroit

Un médecin plaide coupable après avoir ordonné des tests frauduleux pour le fils de l’annonceur des Red Wings de Detroit

Un médecin plaide coupable après avoir ordonné des tests frauduleux pour le fils de l’annonceur des Red Wings de Detroit



  1. I will never understand white collar crime.

    What kind of fractional person-shaped void has the education, the experience, the prestige, the compensation – everything they will ever need and more….

    Why would you put *all* of that at risk? Everything you built your life for? How could you even *consider* doing shit like this?

    People will do insane things when they’re desperate and cornered, that makes sense. How could someone with that much on the line risk it all like that?

  2. CrossCreasePass

    You really never know what these scumbags will do to make money or who they will use to do it. Glad Ken and his family get some sort of justice finally.

  3. The world is sick. Sometimes the apocalypse doesn’t sound so bad.

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