@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Matt Murray peut-il revenir au statut d’élite?

Matt Murray peut-il revenir au statut d’élite?



  1. The man has a chip on his shoulder and something to prove! He is about to piss a lot of other fans off and make Dubas look like a God!

  2. dmills77

    I really hope so! He looks really good so far!

  3. AkiBergsSmile

    Was he ever elite? I think the question is can he become an elite goalie. He’s certainly been a very good goalie.

  4. HydroidZero

    More importantly – if he can just be good (consistently above average), the Leafs will be incredible this year.

  5. prob_wont_reply_2u

    Does he need to be elite, all he needs to be is at or slightly above average, this team should outscore its goaltending issues

  6. james-HIMself

    The problem is trying to label him being elite as a bounce back. I’m fine with AVERAGE goaltending as long as we’re not letting in random softies that cost us game 6 and 7.

  7. SparkyMcHooters

    Yes, please. We need a win.

  8. Rowdy_Roddy96

    With that wonderful Mustache he has anything is possible

  9. NoOffer5595

    We just need him to be solid in net and make stops when we need to. His Championship experience will help us big time.

  10. heckthisfrick

    I really hope he does but he doesn’t need to be elite tbh. We had below average goaltending for a lot of last season, and still finished the year with 115 points in the standings. We get good goaltending and we’re fucking golden

  11. Jgibby1742

    Fuck yeah! The back story of his dad dying young and always wanting Matt to play for the Leafs is exactly the kinda ju-ju we need to break the curse!

  12. BlessedCleanApe

    This leafs team is so good I think he can break a leafs record for wins.

  13. BallHarness

    Last years team set team records including a goal differential better than Tampa, who has the world’s best goalie, despite having dumpster fire net minding. I’d settle for league average.

  14. Kid-Goose

    Id say its 50/50. Either he does or he doesnt

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