@Islanders de New York

Faits saillants de la LNH | Canadiens de Montréal c. Islanders de New York – 20 févr. 2022

Rem Pitlick a marqué le vainqueur de la fusillade et Andrew Hammond a repoussé 32 des 34 tirs pour remporter son premier départ depuis 2018 alors que les Canadiens de Montréal battaient les Islanders de New York 3-2.


  1. The Hamburglar is back baby! Happy to see this man given another opportunity, he deserves it.

  2. Was not a problem with the goaltender it was a problem with the team not playing for the goaltender they had.

  3. There's more to Hockey than the eye can see…
    On another subject: Ever notice how birds move in synchronization when a flock is moving together.. The way they turn? Do you believe they are reacting individually or is it possible they are sharing a cognitive.

  4. Oh Yeah Gotta love this goalie Hammond, Keep this guy in for the rest of the season he knows what he's doing. First good goalie in 10 yrs.

  5. Сорока родной мне тебя по человечески жалко беги из этой команды у неё нет духа ни защиты ни тактики вобщем нет у этой команды будущего с такой игрой

  6. Монреаль просто красавцы терпели всю игру.Наказали Айлендерс что они не забили пять на три.В овертайме у Айлендерс был выход два один.Не забиваешь ты забивают тебе. Всё по делу Монреаль заслужил эту победу 👍

  7. The boys look happy and energized under Marty. First game in a long time that made me smile.

  8. wow montreal actually won 2 games in a row?! Of course you needed extra time but still, I'm very impressed. If you were in the north division you might even make the playoffs!

  9. Moving chairs on the titanic, your country is being taken into fascism by its government, but lets drop the puck

  10. Wait, so I'm kinda lost.
    Is Hammond our 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th Goalie?

  11. Bon travail, Canadiens ! Vous pouvez construire là-dessus ! Maintenant, terminez la saison sérieusement, puis attaquez à nouveau l'année prochaine. Allez les Canadiens ! Let's go Habs!

  12. Watch out for the Canadiens now. Two wins in a row. St. Louis has brought the fun back. The players are playing loose.

  13. While watching this game on TV I was also chatting on a Hockey chat site! It was amazing to hear/read people from either side commenting on how bad the officiating was! The Isles fans were agreeing with the Canadiens fans that the refs has missed, or just flat out didn't call intentionally, several penalties that should have been called on the Isles!
    In my opinion, the refs did everything they could to keep the Isles in the game!
    Two or three of the penalties the refs did call on the Canadiens were outright PATHETIC! A stick would touch an Islander player who then made an Olympic 9.5/10 dive and the ref would call the Hab for tripping! Even the game announcers were incredulous, and SN announcers making favorable comments FOR the Canadiens is extremely RARE!

    Recently, ref Dean Morton celebrated his 1000th game officiated ……..which is 999 TOO MANY!🤯👎
    mea sententia sine firmis 🦂

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