@Red Wings de Détroit

Top 15 des espoirs des Red Wings de Détroit!

Comment ça va les fans des Red Wings de Detroit ? Le repêchage de la LNH a eu lieu il y a quelques semaines et les Red Wings de Detroit ont remporté 8 nouveaux espoirs. Voyons donc comment ils s’intègrent dans le classement des prospects de l’organisation des Red Wings ! Si vous aimez la vidéo; allez-y et appuyez sur ce bouton « J’aime » pour que nous puissions créer plus de contenu que VOUS aimez ! Nous encourageons également tout le monde à commenter leurs pensées et à démarrer une discussion ! N’oubliez pas de vous abonner pour être averti lorsque nous mettrons en ligne une vidéo ! Jusqu’à la prochaine fois que les lumières s’éteindront dans le quartier rouge. Instagram – Red_Wing_Nation Facebook – Blog Red Wing Nation – Le 313 https://redwingnationusa.wordpress.com


  1. I think seider and veleno will make the team next year however I think Raymond and Berggren will be in the ahl and come up to the nhl for some games. But who knows I mean svetch made the team and played last year so maybe Raymond and Berggren have a chance

  2. Honorable mention to Kirill Tyutyayev! This diamond 💎 in the rough is nothing short of spectacular! Can't wait to see Kirill play in G.R. next season.

  3. If the Red Wings are drafting 11th or so for the 2022 draft, I think two darkhorse candidates for drafting that playmaking center are either Swede Filip Bystedt and Danny Zhilkin. Bystedt is 6-3 181 already with the frame to add some bulk. Zhilkin skating and finding open space reminds me of Kent Johnson.

  4. I love the video, first time watching! Just watching NHL 21 gameplay makes me sick, though, lol. That's a testament to how much I like the content of the video, though!

  5. Albert Johansson and soderblom have greatly improved and are looking damn near dominant at times. Confidence rising. Look out👀

  6. Soder is the big body we needed in front of the net screening since holmstrom and franzen

  7. “So Steve, how many players do you want to draft from Sweden?”

  8. Looks like the Red Wings continue on their rich swedish history which is why became a fan in the first place! I’m glad!

  9. I’m a big believer in Raymond, Berggren and Veleno, but I’m wondering where they fit in when they make the jump to the NHL full time? Assuming that Larkin, Zadina, Vrana, Suter, Bertuzzi and Fabbri are your top six, which of those guys get bumped down for the three prospects when they step up to NHL level?

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